I had my first C-section six and a half years ago and my second C-section four years ago. I myself was born by caesarean and I’ve turned out wonderfully so I was never worried about having my kids that way – I kind of expected it. My son was, by definition, an emergency C-section but there was nothing high speed about it. I’d been in labour for what felt like forever, my doctor calmly discussed options with me and it seemed like the sensible choice. As a type A person, timing and control are important to me, so I was happy to be wheeled into the operating room to meet my baby rather than lose my cool and risk pooping on the delivery bed.
Two years later, my daughter was a scheduled C-section. We met with the surgeon, discussed the options and made the decision. Then with a toddler, the idea of controlling timing and understanding recovery expectations was extra appealing. If two babies coming out ‘the sunroof’ was my story, I was happy with that.
Watch: Horoscopes As New Mums. Story continues below.
Now, years postpartum, there are things I wish I’d known about having a C-section. There are C-section facts that aren’t in the articles about surgery and recovery. Here are a few things I’ve learned about C-sections...