When this couple have a fight about marriage, they hit the shops. And sometimes, revenge can be as sweet as a tin of name-brand tuna…
Have you ever heard of tantrum shopping? I’m very familiar with it. I thought it was a behaviour that was unique to my husband and I, a sign of our endless money issues and immaturity. Thankfully I was wrong.
It emerged at a long weekend function that many of us are long-time tantrum shoppers.
Tantrum shopping: An uncontrolled outburst of emotion, expressed as the purchasing of goods or services.
My husband and I have very different money personalities. He thinks he’s better with money than me but thinks nothing of ‘investing’ thousands of dollars in the latest get rich quick scheme, obliterating our savings. I think I’m better with money than he is, but think nothing of spending money entertaining our kids on a weekly basis, adding up over the course of a month.
So, we both suck with money, clearly. Every now and then we sit down and attempt to come to some sort of agreement over how we will manage our money in a way that will keep us both happy, but what begins with a calm and loving couple sitting down with a beverage, a folder and a file full of bills, happily sharing our hopes and dreams, quickly descends into hissed accusations (we don’t want to wake the kids up), blame, folders thrown on the floor and one or both of us stomping off to different parts of the house.
We simmer for a few days and then it begins:
My husband announces we need a new LCD TV.
I take the kids out bowling and don't invite him.
He demands money with which to fix our family computer.
I do a reckless grocery shop and don't hold back, buying lots of Sirena tuna, a huge tin of olive oil, the most expensive cheese I can find.