
Robin Bailey has called it, the thigh gap is over.

Robin Bailey, we applaud you.

You’ve reminded us that it doesn’t matter if a little bit of breeze can blow between our legs, the thigh gap is a ridiculous concept that we don’t need to strive for. Because we’re better than that.

This week, The Well was all about what we’ve learned so far. The listeners, AND the hosts.

And last month’s exercise episode, where Bec ended up in tears over never feeling like her body shape was good enough for society at large, spoke to work-out-mad Robin, too.

“I have lots of eating issues… and all of that was about being a size that was socially acceptable,’ Robin says.

‘It was exhausting.’

Robin Bailey and Rebecca Sparrow, having whole-hearted conversations on The Well.

It wasn't until Rebecca Sparrow's comment that it really sunk in. The thigh gap? Not that important.

'Of course it isn't!' says Robin.

'I know that. I'm a very smart woman. And yet why was I adhering to something about having a thigh gap?'

Listen: Robin Bailey shares her exercise revelation. 

'Do I love exercise because it gives me a body that's socially acceptable? Or do I love exercise because I love it?' Robin wonders. 'So now I don't exercise everyday.'

All this time and effort goes into obsessively trying to meet those elusive social standards. But for what? Does it make us any happier? Absolutely not.

While for Robin, happiness came in the form of exercising less, for Bec it was exercising more. She says wearing a Fitbit to try to walk her 10,000 steps a day is certainly making her happier and healthier.

Bec Sparrow and Robin Bailey are rediscovering happiness.

The learnings haven't only been about thigh gaps and the lack thereof.


Bec has made huge strides in learning to say no. She realised that when she says 'no' people are only disappointed for about 20 seconds, then they get over it. There is magic in saying 'no' to the things you don't want to do, and Bec has found it.

Robin has finally cured her sleep deprivation. She is sleeping much better than before, and there are no more tears from her lack of sleep. She also discovered the joy of napping (although not power-napping), and her body is eternally grateful.

Watch: The importance of sleep. Post continues below.

Robin gets a gold star for forgiveness. She's learnt to forget, and let go. Because no one needs to hold on to that negative energy. The pain and angst is gone, and Bec says she seems so much lighter for it.

The act of forgiving is cathartic, as one listener discovered, and she said the forgiveness episode really helped her.

'The thing that really resonated for me in your podcast was the idea that letting go and forgiving doesn't meanI have to open myself up to being hurt by them again,' she said.

Has The Well made you happier? Let us know, we'd love to hear about it. 

For more tips on living a happier life, subscribe in iTunes or listen to the full episode of The Well below.

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