
It begins! Sophie Cachia is sharing videos of her labour in real-time.

Just as planned, Sophie Cachia has started sharing her birth experience with her followers on Snapchat.

After a long 40-week pregnancy, Cachia – who’s also known as The Young Mummy – is posting every detail of her second labour in real time.

And the footage is, well, kind of amazing.

Cachia is posting every detail of her second labour in real time. (Image: Snapchat/SophCachia)

The 26-year-old's thousands of followers have followed the parenting blogger's journey from her living room couch, to a bouncing ball, to the birth suite, and no information is too personal to be shared.

"According to the hospital I am in labour everybody. Very, very early days yet... I'm having contractions every two to four minutes," Cachia shared at 10am on Saturday morning.


"So this is a new experience for both us because we don't know what to do or when to go to hospital."

"So this is a new experience for both us because we don't know what to do or when to go to hospital." (Image: Snapchat)

This will be the second baby for her and husband Jaryd, who are already parents to two-year-old son Bobby.

"This is such a different experience to last time when I got induced, and you go from 0-100 in seconds," she said of the slow moving labour.

"It's such a slow process, I could literally still be doing this tomorrow."

 The couple were admitted to the Royal Women's Hospital at approximately 3pm. (Image: Snapchat/SophCachia)

The couple were admitted to the Royal Women's hospital at approximately 3pm, where Cachia has uploaded photos taking pain relief.

12 hours into her labour, Cachia updated fans.

"My epidural has kicked," she wrote. "Praise the lord. Shutting up shop, no more kids ever again. Seriously."

We will keep you posted with what comes next!

For footage from Sophie Cachia's Snapchat, watch the above video.

You can follow Sophie Cachia on Snapchat using the handle @SophCachia, or on Instagram here.

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