real life

This woman has 50 orgasms a day and it's ruining her life.

Amanda Gryce



Multiple orgasms are something most women only dream of.

Two is good, three is pretty amazing. Four or five? Phenomenal.

But imagine having fifty. In a single day.

For Amanda Gryce, a constant state of sexual arousal means her orgasms are continual, uncontrollable and not just limited to when she has sex.

The 22-year-old shop assistant from Florida suffers from a rare medical condition called Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS), which she first contracted at the age of eight.

The condition causes her to orgasm up to ten times an hour, often at the slightest trigger – whether it be a vibrating mobile, loud music or a car journey. Gryce will masturbate 15 times a day just to relieve her constant arousal and uses special positions to control her orgasms.

Gryce says the reality of constant arousal is completely debilitating, telling the Daily Mail:

‘It is not pleasurable: you could say it has become a torture. This condition controls your life completely and it is like living a nightmare … I can have 50 orgasms in one day and five or ten within an hour of each other. It happens when I’m with my friends or out in public and it’s very embarrassing.

Gryce says her Catholic upbringing made the early years of her battle with PSAS even more uncomfortable. Taught to believe masturbation and sexual thoughts were a sin, she was too scared to confide in anyone about her struggle to contain her sexual excitement.


In 2008, Gryce heard about PSAS for the first time while listening to the radio, but none of the doctors she consulted had ever heard of the condition. Even now, people accuse her of making it up – suggesting she is in fact a nymphomaniac.

Somewhat ironically, PSAS makes romantic relationships difficult. Gryce says men are either intimidated by it, or try to take advantage of the situation.

She lost her virginity at aged 20, but says the man just used her condition to get more sex, despite seeming sympathetic initially.

“I just now hope that there will one day be more understanding of this condition and my story will give just one other person the courage to get support,” she says.

Gretchen Molannen

PSAS, which was first documented in 2001 and is also referred to as Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome, has no known cause although doctors believe it can develop from a physical injury.

The condition made headlines in December last year, when Florida woman Gretchen Molannen committed suicide after suffering from PSAS for over 16 years. Molannen, 39, was forced to apply for disability because her symptoms meant she couldn’t hold down a job.

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