real life

Saying "iDo": 5 ways social media is gatecrashing weddings.


“Getting married in 2 mins! #hopehesaysyes”



So you’ve organised your dress, the photographer and the bombonieres.

Next on the list? The exact wording of your official wedding hashtag, of course. Better get it right, because as the oft-quoted proverb goes: if it isn’t trending on Twitter by the end of the night, your marriage is doomed forever.

That’s right, brides and grooms-to-be: whether you like it or not, social media is gatecrashing the party. As New York Magazine reports, couples are finding tech-savvy ways to #tietheknot, and it seems there’s a digital alternative for almost every part of the process.

1. Appily married

Apps like Appy Couple allow brides and grooms to provide guests with all the necessary details for their big day, including the gift registry, venue maps and their couple “story” (a tad self-indulgent, no?). Personalised wedding websites and blogs have also become a popular way to keep guests updated on wedding developments.

When it comes to the actual invitations, however, the jury is out on whether a digital version is acceptable . A Facebook event page or app notification just isn’t quite the same as a pretty parchment envelope, is it?

2. Wedding #hashtags.

“This is the groom, reporting to you live from the altar…”

Gone are the days of the grainy photo and announcement in the local paper.

Now, this hype can be self-generated using a personalised Twitter hashtag – even the Royal Wedding had one. After all, there’s nothing more romantic and intimate than having guests live-Tweet your wedding to several hundred perfect strangers.


Personally, I find this phenomenon a little puzzling. Why aren’t these people using their free hand to grab a third slice of wedding cake instead?

3. From “I do” to “iDo”.

Not even the altar is immune from technology. According to NY Magazine it’s becoming increasingly common for brides and grooms, and their ministers/celebrants, to read their vows from the screen of a tablet or smartphone.

For those who suffer from writer’s block, there are even apps available to guide the vow-writing process.

It doesn’t stop there. Many couples also take a moment to pull out their phones and update their relationship status on Facebook… seconds after their first kiss as husband and wife (see pic). As we all know, major life events are only official if they’re Facebook Official – why even bother with vows?

4. Live streaming.

Mashable reports there are now a multitude of websites specialising in live streaming for weddings, allowing friends and relatives in far-flung locations to tune in and enjoy the day virtually. Guests can be sent e-invitations days before the event, containing a link to the webcast page.

Now, if only someone could invent a way to digitally throw the bouquet to the other side of the world…

Instagram wedding sign
Don’t be surprised to see a sign like this at the next wedding you attend. (Photo: Etsy)

5. “Crowdsourcing” photos.

Back in The Analog Age, the only way for couples to get their hands on guests’ wedding pics was to have copies sent in the mail (snail mail, that is, involving “envelopes” and “stamps”).

Now, a hashtag on Instagram is all it takes to keep everybody’s photos in one location. It also gives husband and wife the chance to see all the laughs they missed out on while they were making awkward conversation with that long-lost second cousin on table 3. Photo websites like Flickr also provide

However, posting wedding photos on Facebook often becomes a matter of etiquette. Many couples make a point of asking guests not to share photos from the day before they do – that’s a BIG no-no.

Have you been to a wedding or any major event where social media was used? Would you social media your wedding?

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