
"Website crashed???" Fans complained of a voting glitch before The Voice Australia winner was announced, & more in News in 5.

— With AAP.

1. “Website crashed???” Fans complained of a voting glitch before The Voice Australia winner was announced.

Diana Rouvas has been named the winner of The Voice Australia 2019, but viewers are angry about a technical glitch which impacted voting during the show.

Rouvas, 35, was ecstatic when announced the winner of the $100,000 prize money and recording contract with Universal Music or EMI.

She let out a scream and hugged runner-up Daniel Shaw before she performed her winner’s single Wait For No One.

the voice australia winner diana
Diana's reaction to being announced winner.

But earlier in the show, a technical glitch in voting led viewers to complain that they could not successfully vote for their favourite performer.




During the show, a Nine representative confirmed the glitch in a statement.

"Hundreds of thousands of votes have been coming through during tonight’s show which has caused some technical problems for a small number of viewers, however votes are continuing to flow through," they said. "The technical problem has now been solved. We appreciate everybody’s support for the artists and the show."

About half way through the episode, host Sonia Kruger stated that more than 600,000 people had already cast their vote and the race was tighter than ever.

When Rouvas was announced the winner, her coach Boy George said he was shocked.

"I'm shocked, I'm shocked. In a good way. I think it was really close."

Despite complaints about the glitch, social media exploded when Rouvas was crowned winner.




Rouvas previously competed in The Voice Australia in its first season in 2012, placing fifth with mentor Keith Urban.

This year Nine requested she return as an all-star.

2. North Korea accuse Australian student Alek Sigley of 'spying'.


North Korea says Australian student Alek Sigley spread anti-Pyongyang propaganda and engaged in espionage by providing photos and other materials to news outlets with critical views toward the North.

Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said North Korea deported Mr Sigley on Thursday after he pleaded for forgiveness over his activities, which the agency said infringed on North Korea's sovereignty.

Mr Sigley arrived in Tokyo on Thursday after telling reporters he was in "very good" condition, but without saying what happened to him.

He had been studying at a Pyongyang university and guiding tours in the North Korean capital before disappearing from social media contact with family and friends.

KCNA said Mr Sigley, who was caught "red-handed" by a "relevant institution" of the North on June 25, had abused his status as a student by "combing" through Pyongyang and providing photos and other information to news sites such as NK News and other "anti-DPRK" media, a reference to the North's formal name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


The news agency said the North expelled Mr Sigley out of "humanitarian leniency".

"He honestly admitted his spying acts of systematically collecting and offering data about the domestic situation of the DPRK and repeatedly asked for pardon, apologising for encroachment upon the sovereignty of the DPRK," the agency said.

Korea Risk Group CEO Chad O'Carroll has denied Mr Sigley's writing for its publication, NK News, was "anti-state".

"The six articles Alek published represent the full extent of his work with us and the idea that those columns, published transparently under his name between January and April 2019, are "anti-state" in nature is a misrepresentation which we reject," he said in a statement.

"Alek Sigley's well-read columns presented an apolitical and insightful view of life in Pyongyang which we published in a bid to show vignettes of ordinary daily life in the capital to our readers."

The North had not commented on Mr Sigley before Saturday.

Mr Sigley was released by North Korea following intervention by Swedish diplomats.

After Mr Sigley's arrival in Beijing, he went to Tokyo to reunite with his Japanese wife, who he married in Pyongyang last year.

During his time in North Korea, Mr Sigley often shared details about his life in Pyongyang through social media and the website of his travel agency, Tongil Tours, frequently challenging negative outside perceptions about North Korea.


At times, he boasted about the extraordinary freedom he had as one of the few foreign students living there.

He also wrote op-eds and essays that appeared in the Western media, including NK News, although none of them seemed outwardly critical about the North's government and political system.

North Korea has been accused in the past of detaining Westerners and using them as political pawns to gain concessions.

Mr Sigley's father Gary Sigley, a professor of Asian studies at the University of Western Australia, said his son was treated well in North Korea.

It was a much happier outcome than the case of American college student Otto Warmbier, who was convicted of attempting to steal a propaganda poster and imprisoned in North Korea.

Mr Warmbier died shortly after being sent back home to the US in a vegetative state in June 2017.

3. Queensland pilot and passenger killed in light plane crash.


A Queensland pilot and his passenger are dead after a light plane crash in outback South Australia.

Respected stud farmer Peter Gesler, 59, of Greymare, and his passenger, a woman, 48, from Brisbane, were killed when the Brumby 610 aircraft crashed north of Leigh Creek about 6:30pm on Saturday.

The pair had taken off from William Creek at about 4pm before crashing in scrubland on approach to the Leigh Creek airport, police say.

They had flown over Lake Eyre before stopping to refuel at William Creek, The Advertiser newspaper reports.

They bought ice creams and other items at the William Creek Hotel and appeared to be in a rush because they were planning to fly to Leigh Creek but it was getting late, the SA newspaper said.


SA police and two investigators from Recreational Aviation Australia will investigate the accident at Leigh Creek some 560km north of Adelaide.

"As you would appreciate given the remoteness of the location this will take some time," RAA chief executive Michael Linke said in a statement.

"At this stage we have no specifics regarding the aircraft, pilot, passenger or purpose of the flight or cause of the accident."

An air exclusion zone is in place within a one kilometre radius of the crash site and up to 1000 feet until at least Monday morning.

Mr Gesler's friend Zoe Cox told Seven News his wife didn't like him flying.

"She did worry about him flying because he flies to his work nearly every day," Ms Cox said.

His death will be a sad loss, Ms Cox told the network.

"He really was a genuine type person, really good for a laugh," she said.

The RAA investigation will consider environmental, mechanical and human factors as the investigators work with local police.

SA police will prepare a report for the coroner.

RAA represents some 30 per cent of the Australian civil aircraft fleet.

It investigates about 250 aircraft related incidents per year ranging in severity from very mild issues to serious incidents.


4. US billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and accused of sex trafficking minors.

More than a decade after receiving one of the most lenient sentences for a serial sex offender in US history, multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested outside of New York, sources have confirmed to The Miami Herald.

Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey on Saturday, according to one of the sources.

Epstein, 66, is expected to be arraigned in federal court in New York on Monday on charges that he molested dozens of underage girls in New York and in Florida, the sources said.


His arrest, first reported by The Daily Beast, comes nearly two weeks after the Justice Department announced that it would not throw out his 2008 non-prosecution agreement, even though a federal judge ruled it was illegal.

Sources said Epstein was arrested by the FBI pursuant to a sealed indictment that will be unsealed on Monday. He is in custody in New York and a bail hearing is set for Monday.

Last November, the Herald published a series of stories, titled Perversion of Justice, that described the ways in which Florida's US attorney, Alexander Acosta, worked in conjunction with Epstein's lawyers to engineer the non-prosecution agreement - and keep it secret from Epstein's victims. Acosta is now President Donald Trump's secretary of labour.

Sources told the Herald that the indictment includes new victims and witnesses who spoke to authorities in New York over the past several months.

Epstein, who has homes in Manhattan, Palm Beach, New Mexico, Paris and in the US Virgin Islands, sexually abused nearly three dozen girls, mostly 13-16 years old, at his Palm Beach mansion from 1999 to 2006, according to investigators.

He used the girls to help recruit other young girls as part of an operation that ran similar to a pyramid scheme. He also had recruiters who helped with his appointments, scheduling as many as three or four girls a day, the FBI probe found.


Acosta met one-on-one with Epstein's lawyer, Jay Lefkowitz, in October 2007, at a West Palm Beach Marriott. Records reviewed by the Herald showed that it was at that meeting that Acosta agreed to a non-prosecution agreement that gave Epstein and others involved in his operation federal immunity.

As part of the deal, Epstein was allowed to plead guilty to two state prostitution charges involving a 17-year-old girl, and he served 13 months in the Palm Beach County jail. The deal was sealed, however, so that no one - not even his victims - knew the details about the agreement until nearly a year later. By that time, Epstein had already been released from jail and had returned to his jet-setting life.

On Wednesday, a federal appeals court in New York ordered the unsealing of up to 2,000 pages of documents that are expected to show evidence relating to whether Epstein and his partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, were recruiting underage girls and young women as part of an international sex trafficking operation. Maxwell, 57, has never been charged.

The ruling came after the Herald, joined by a consortium of media companies, including The New York Times, asked that the records be opened. Two other parties, social media blogger Michael Cernovich and lawyer Alan Dershowitz, also sought to have some of the documents made public. Dershowitz, who represented Epstein during the 2006-2007 federal criminal probe, has also been accused of having sex with one of Epstein's underage girls. Dershowitz has denied the allegation and has said that the records will clear him of any wrongdoing.


As part of its investigation, the Herald was able to identify nearly 80 girls who were molested by Epstein. Four of the victims, now in their late 20s and early 30s, spoke on camera about how they were traumatised first by Epstein, then by his lawyers and private investigators, and finally by the prosecutors themselves, who disposed of the case without telling them.

One of the victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, said that she was forced by Epstein and Maxwell to have sex with a number of wealthy and powerful politicians, academics and government leaders, including Dershowitz and Prince Andrew. She has never named the other men, largely because she has been afraid, her lawyers said.

5. Number of fully immunised Australian children hits record low.


The number of fully immunised Australian children has hit a record level, with close to 95 per cent vaccinated against deadly diseases.

New data for the March quarter reveals immunisation rates for all five year olds is 94.78 per cent, up from 94.67 per cent in the December quarter.

Australia has world-leading vaccination rates for children with the latest figures well above global vaccination coverage of 85 per cent.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said immunisation saved and protected lives, making it important to keep promoting the benefits of vaccines.

"The latest figures show that the vast majority of parents are hearing the message about the benefits of vaccinations and I am delighted that our public health campaigns and our immunisation programs are protecting all Australians," he said in a statement on Sunday.

Immunisation rates also continue to increase for one, two and five year olds, with Victoria and Tasmania both performing above the national rate.

Coverage rates for five-year-old indigenous children are at 96.66 per cent, outstripping the national figure.

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