Almost every week, a new “study”, news article, or blog makes headlines claiming various dangers for babies born via C-section. From higher risks of chronic illness to claiming they are just for convenience, they are incredibly unhelpful for mothers who delivered their babies by C-section.
You cannot undo how you gave birth to your child, and C-sec mums already have to live with a barrage of deeply unhelpful assumptions about their babies and their births.
As Bec Sparrow previously wrote for Mamamia:
It was a headline too good to ignore. A lure, I couldn’t go past.
“The major caesarean problem nobody talks about!” whispered the article on my Facebook feed.
What? What problem? There’s a major problem nobody talks about?
I had to click.
I had to click which is err, RIDICULOUS. I say ridiculous because – are you ready for this? – I’ve had four.
Listen to Bec Judd and Holly Wainwright talk about finally giving birth on our podcast just for new parents, Hello Bump. (Post continues after audio.)
Yep. Four. Four caesareans. Four sunroofs. Four times I’ve had a baby airlifted out. When I’m not writing or trying to scrape dried weetbix off the wall, or Googling “Is Roger Corser married?”, I like to spend my time in an unflattering hospital gown having major stomach surgery. That’s how I roll.