Before I gave birth to my first baby ten weeks ago, I was completely delusional about motherhood. I was confident (no actually make that cocky) that being a mum was going to be a breeze. Haven’t you seen the Bonds ads? All babies do is smile and be all cute and stuff. A little bundle of perfectness was exactly what I was planning on giving birth to. Drunk with confidence, I made some firm rules with my boyfriend (yes we have an illegitimate child living in our sinful home) on what we would, and would not do, when our first-born arrived. There was no doubt if we followed these rules we would easily nail the parenting of our angelic child.
Fast forward two and a half months and reality has hit in the form of a baby boy. I will now admit the rules we set were a teeny bit ludicrous. No, actually make that insane! Below are the rules, and exactly how successful I have been so far.
Rule One: No Bottles
How long it lasted: 8 hours (the moment my newborn was squawking for his second milk guzzle)
I’ll admit I was a bit of a ‘Bottle-Feeding Judgy Pants’ who had no idea how bloody hard breast-feeding could be. With the saying “Breast is Best” drilled into my head, I was determined to be a mum that would only breast-feed her kid. This is because I was terrified by stories about breastfeeding mothers who used a bottle once, and their little cherub refused to suckle their milk cans ever again. So the rule was made, “NO BOTTLES!”