
FOUND: The nifty product that gives even the biggest beauty noobs perfect eyeliner.

When was the last time you tried to do winged liquid eyeliner?

Today? Last weekend? Years ago when you did it that one time, royally stuffed it up and decided never again?

Ask anyone – ANYONE – and they’ll tell you mastering the classic ‘cat eye’ makeup look is notoriously tricky.

You’ve got to close your eye but also have it open, and draw a straight line that’s not too thick but also straight, which makes your hands shake because you’re so anxious, which only makes things worse.

Yep. My hands are shaking as I’m writing this it’s that stressful.

22-year-old Iris Smit felt the same way. Only she decided to do something about it. The entrepreneur from Perth dreamt up The Quick Flick, a felt tip eyeliner pen with a stamp for the perfect wing.

Smit claims The Quick Flick will “have you saying goodbye to wonky and uneven wings”, providing “a simple, clean and stress-free solution to nailing your eyeliner, every time, resulting in a flawless and tailored finish”.

Check out this video for a demonstration…

Sounds brilliant, right? Especially for a beauty noob like me, who also has large fingers that don’t handle delicate tasks like winged eyeliner very well.

But does it work?

In the interest of public service, I took The Quick Flick for a spin around the block to see if it delivers on its promises. Here’s how it went down:


First thoughts

I was pretty much sold from the moment the pink packaging landed on my desk.

I opened up The Quick Flick ‘Modest 10mm’ in ‘Intense Black’ to find not one, but TWO liquid eyeliner pens inside. GEE, HOW GENEROUS, I thought. But please, don’t make the mistake I did and give away the second pen as a premature Christmas present.

As I found out, you’ll need both of those pens to achieve the cat eye look because one’s for your left eye (marked with a handy L), the other for your right.

To my friend Jess, if you’re reading, I’m so sorry about ^^^ by the way, was just trying to be nice but, yeah.

The pens themselves look… sturdy. Like you’re going to get a really intense, industrial strength wing. Like a permanent marker, the ‘liner’ end of the pen has a felt tip. The other has a stamp. An actual stamp in the shape of ‘the perfect wing’. I tested it out on my hand, and what do you know, it did what it says it does.

Let’s proceed.


Creating the perfect wing

I picked up the pen. It’s nice and big, and sits comfortably in your hand. Because the last thing anyone needs when trying to do a small, delicate line is a small delicate tool to do it with.

After staring at the stamp end of the pen for precisely three minutes, I went for it. The directions say to “simply stamp where desired and use the eyeliner pen to fill in the shape”. So that’s what I did. Not quite “simply”, but I did it.

Thankfully, the stamping bit was ridiculously easy. Yes, it might take a few tries to find your perfect wing spot, but once you’ve lined it up, all you have to do is press down and voila, YOU’VE GOT A WING. It’s great.

And it stays there. I rubbed the spot on my hand where I trialled it a few hours into the day, and it didn’t smudge at all. The product is also “long lasting and waterproof”, so you won’t have to worry about it disappearing on you.


If only there could be a stamp for the rest of your eyeliner though, because connecting the ‘line’ to the ‘wing’ was honestly the hardest part of the whole thing. Which has nothing to do with the product and everything to do with those fat fingers mentioned above.

Check out the process from start to finish in the gallery below…



Aside from the fact it doesn’t draw the rest of your eyeliner on for you (again, not it’s fault), The Quick Flick has very few negatives.

If anything, the tip of the pen is flexible and can change ‘thickness’ depending on how much pressure you apply. It’s great because you can do a very thin line or a thicker one, but it also means you need to figure out for yourself how much pressure you’re going to apply. But, details.


The price $34.99 might seem a bit steep compared to other chemist brand alternatives like Rimmel’s Wonderwing Liner ($12.76) and Maybelline HyperSharp Wing Liquid Liner ($17.95). BUT what you’re paying for at this price is a premium, Australian designed product that’s cruelty free and vegan, that comes with two eyeliner pens. Effectively, it comes to around $17 per pen, which in the scheme of things is very, very reasonable.


Honest opinion – this product is good. Really good. Easy-to-use, dependable and honest, The Quick Flick does indeed do what it says it does.

With a bit of practice on my part, I’ll be relying on this to create my cat eye eyeliner looks from now on, simply because it takes the stress out of creating the wing.

The fact it came from the brain of a kick arse young Aussie woman makes this infinitely better too.

Bravo Iris. Bra-f*cking-o.

The Quick Flick comes in three sizes – Petite (8mm), Modest (10mm) and Grand (12mm) – so you can customise your wing. You can find out more about The Quick Flick and where to get your hands on it on their website

Have you tried The Quick Flick eyeliner? What did you think?

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