
The one word The Queen absolutely cannot stand.


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It seems people/”anonymous royal sources” have finally run out of The Queen’s imaginary opinions of Meghan Markle’s outfits, and they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to come up with other things she hates in relation to the Duchess of Sussex.

So what is it now?

A word.

Apparently, there’s one particular word being thrown around a lot in stories relating to Meghan Markle that The Queen despises.

She cannot stand it.

It makes her sick.

According to an article originally published in US Weekly Magazine which recently resurfaced via CheatSheet, The Queen finds this particular word “vulgar” and the Royal Family are forbidden from using it.


The Queen and her corgis. Post continues after video…

No, it’s not the word you’re thinking of.

…Or that one.

It’s “pregnant”.

prince harry meghan markle
The Queen would have a hard time talking to, or about, her grandson's wife at the moment...

Yes. Every time someone utters the ghastly "P" word The Queen spits out her tea and promptly takes herself to the Scottish countryside for a week to recover. (We assume).

According to the magazine excerpt, The Queen wouldn't dare refer to the Duchess of Sussex as being "pregnant".

She would instead use the term "in a family way" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

According to Express UK, here's a list of other things The Queen finds vulgar:

-John Lennon

-Sermons that are longer than 12 minutes.

-Tacky bow ties.

-Clinking ice cubes. (Drinks must have sphere-shaped ice cubes at every royal event in the hopes they will make less noise).



-Loud sobbing.

She also finds mayonnaise vulgar. And shoelaces. And anyone whose name ends in "Y".

Everything except corgis and hats.



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