reality tv

The one question The Bachelorette's Ali and Taite wouldn't answer on The Project.

It’s probably not out of line to assume The Bachelorette’s Ali Oetjen and Taite Radley are a bit tired today.

Erm… not for the reason that just crossed your mind. Anywho.

We’re referring to the couple’s massive day of media interviews after Thursday night’s The Bachelorette Australia finale.

Starting bright and early with breakfast radio and finishing up on The Project, the pair answered many, many questions about their relationship.

Are they in love? Are they still in love? Are they still together? Why did Ali not choose Todd who was perfect for her in every way? How about the rumours Taite only went on the show for Instagram fame?

We’re sure it would’ve been very repetitive – mind numbing, even.

It’s likely for this precise reason that a curly question from The Project co-host Gorgi Coghlan resulted in some wonderfully awkward live TV.

You can watch Ali and Taite’s segment on The Project below. Post continues after this very awkward video.

Video via Ten

Remembering Taite is from Ballarat, the fellow Ballarat girl brought up how great the Victorian country town is for raising a family.

“Taite before we go I have to say I’m a huge fan because you’re from Ballarat, how good is the Rat?” she asked, before adding, “The Rat is a great place to, erm, raise kids.”

“We have talked about that, haven’t we,” Ali replied, turning to her partner to elaborate further.

This is where things got a bit awks.

“Yeah… we have… it’s um…” Taite trailed off before The Project co-host Waleed Ali said what we were all thinking.

“But no conclusion, clearly?” he asked, which prompted a good 10 seconds of very uncomfortable laughter for everyone. And silence, because no, they didn’t feel like sharing a definitive answer regarding the kids question.

That said, Taite did reiterate again that he would be open to moving to Ali’s hometown of Adelaide, which I’m sure they’ve discussed is also a great place to raise their hypothetical kids.

Wherever they decide to bring up their children, if they decide to have children, we wish Ali and Taite only the best of luck.

Still reeling from The Bachelorette finale? Let’s debrief together on the Bach Chat podcast.

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