We’ve all done it. Told a few white lies to our children or made a few empty threats to get our children to behave.
And I’m not talking about the fabrication of Santa and his band of deceptive cohorts – no those are your stock standard childhood fallacies told to children to improve their lives. I’m talking more about the ones you invent to help you, the parent, do your job.
We didn’t own a car as kids so the best my mother could threaten me with was that she’d have the Bus Driver pull over and throw me off the bus. Which of course she never did, she was the empty threat queen.
I on the hand, have used the “Would you like to walk home?” method of discipline many a time. I’ve of course, never ACTUALLY followed through on it but I have heard of parents that do. The other day there was a situation between my boys in the back seat of the car because the 10 year old was looking out the 6 year old’s window. Yes, you read that correctly.
They argued back and forth progressively getting louder and more ridiculous with each exchange until I slammed on the brakes (adds a certain dramatic flair I find) and asked them if they’d “Like to get out and walk home??” Sam, the eldest shook his head gravely and said that no, he’d like to continue on in the car thanks. That’s when I heard Jack, the 6 year old say “Can you pull over at the next servo then?”
As my 10 year old so eloquently put it – “I think you just got owned by a 6 year old Mum.”
I think though the biggest lie I swallowed as a kid (please see what I did there) was to believe I’d grow a watermelon out of my BEHIND if I ate the seeds. I mean really Mum?
Out of my ears wasn’t a terrifying enough prospect for me? So too bubble-gum. Apparently if I swallowed this, I’d forever blow gum bubbles out of my arse. Sure, she fooled me into never EVER doing either of these two things but at what cost?