
If you call yourself a TV lover, you need to watch The Golden Girls.


Last week we asked the listeners of The Binge podcast to suggest what show we should watch next.

The recommendations came hard and fast but there was one caller whose suggestion cut through like a hot knife down butter: The Golden Girls. 

The submission was left on our voicemail by a reader whose pitch was… enthusiastic, to say the least.

The Golden Girls. Image: NBC

“Rosie Waterland, it’s Naomi again, telling you to watch The Golden Girls. Don’t make me use Twitter… whatever the hell that is. You need to go back to your roots, you NEED to watch the show, yoouu neeed tooo watcchh the showwww," she said.

"So you can truly call your self a femi- oh, what am I saying?"

You're saying everything right, Naomi. Everything.

The Golden Girls first hit American screens in 1985 and ran for a full seven years before it closed up shop with two Emmys and three Golden Globes.

Listen to all three reader suggestions in this special bonus episode of The Binge. (Post continues after audio.)

It featured four women, three widows and one divorcee sharing a home in Miami, Florida. The show was an immediate success and gave rise to one of the most iconic names in US pop culture: Betty White.

The show has been hailed as an example of early white feminism at its finest: four women in later life who searched for fulfilment in places other than men.

The cast set an example for thousands across America as they demonstrated how women in post-married life could change, rebel and blossom.


The true joy of the show isn't its politically-forward premise, but its incredibly progressive and bold use of comedy.

The Golden Girls wasn't afraid to poke the bear of racism, homophobia and other issues in order to get a laugh.


The Binge host Laura Brodnik said the series paved the way for future female-driven series.

Watch what happened when the characters accidentally found themselves referred to as lesbians on a talk show. Post continues after video.

Video via NBC

“It was kind of our first big show about female friendship – before Sex and The City, before Younger. I think every show kind of builds on that,” she said.

Four older women who are real about sex, relationships and what life is like after your marriage ends? We'll subscribe to that, thanks Naomi!

You can watch The Golden Girls on Australian Foxtel or purchase the seasons in the iTunes store.

Listen to what happened when the recommendations came from Mamamia staff on another special episode of The Binge.

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