
The Fluff Files: Who went naked for a mag cover this time?

Surprise! Someone else stripped off for the cover of GQ. We’re not quite sure what it is about GQ, perhaps they have unusually warm studios, perhaps none of the staff there wear clothes and the cover models are just trying to fit in.

Anyhoo -Lana Del Ray has been named as the magazine’s “woman of the year” and has celebrated the honour by, you know, taking all her clothes off and wearing sparkly blue jewelry ala Heart of the Ocean.

Lana Del Ray on the cover of GQ



Bradley Cooper reveals why he doesn’t drink or do drugs. The man who is (unofficially) competing with Ryan Gosling for World’s Most Swoon-Worthy Gentleman had a chat to The Hollywood Reporter about why he went sober at age 29.

“I was at a party, and deliberately bashed my head on the concrete floor,” Cooper said. “Like, ‘Hey, look how tough I am! I did it again [and] I spent the night at St. Vincent’s Hospital with a sock of ice, waiting for them to stitch me up.”

“I was so concerned what you thought of me, how I was coming across, how I would survive the day,” he added. “I always felt like an outsider. I just lived in my head. I realized I wasn’t going to live up to my potential, and that scared the hell out of me. I thought, ‘Wow, I’m actually gonna ruin my life. I’m really gonna ruin it.”


Christina Aguilera has long been a symbol of body confidence – just think back to the various midriff-baring tops she sported in her Genie in a Bottle video clip. Since then, she’s become a whole lot curvier and healthy looking but that hasn’t changed her willingness to show off her body with the clothes she wears. Bravo, we say.


And now she’s appeared on the cover of US shopping magazine Lucky to talk about her curvier silhouette and why she is happier than she has been in years.

“Actually, the challenge I’ve always had is being too thin, so I love that now I have a booty, and obviously I love showing my cleavage,” Aguilera said in the interview. “If you can work it and you can own it, that confidence is going to shine through.”

Funnily enough, the magazine seems to have shaven a few inches off her waistline and given Christiana’s face a touch of photoshop action for the cover photo.

Sigh. The fashion and magazine industry, missing the point – yet again.

Christina Aguilera on the cover of Lucky. This image has been photoshopped
Thomas Beatie, pregnant

He wants to have a fourth baby. And yes, he is a man. Giving a whole new definition to teamwork, Thomas Beatie –  better known as ‘the pregnant man’ has revealed he is willing to give birth to a fourth child if his new partner struggles to conceive.

Beatie, who had his first sex change operation 15 years ago, hit headlines in 2008 when he became the first man to give birth. Since then, he has had two more children with his wife Nancy, whom he separated from earlier this year. He has also fallen in love with day care worker Amber Nichols, and the couple have already decided they want children.

“Being pregnant was the most incredible experience, but we want Amber to do it this time around. I think it would be amazing to experience pregnancy as the father,” he told the Sunday Mirror in the UK. Although Beatie now has a penis, pregnancy remains physically possible because he still has a womb. It’s just a matter of seeing which partner will carry the child most successfully.


“It is even possible we could both be pregnant at the same time. Amber suggested we both try to get pregnant and whoever gets there first goes through with it.” Pregnancy Roulette, anybody?

And finally, we have our red carpet round-up from the week. Feathers, sequins and peplum – it’s all here this week. Take a look.

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