It’s a well-known fact about me that I will laugh at words that sound even remotely rude. I’ll even invent a double meaning to make something sound rude that actually isn’t (it’s all in the delivery).
I have been like this as long as I can remember. I figured that I’d grow out of it, and that when I grew up, I would… well…grow up, but here’s what no one tells you about getting older – you stay exactly the same (with the small exception of your skin, boobs, arse and your hair). Things that you liked as a kid, you still like (Jimmy Barnes, you complete me), and things that you thought were funny, stay funny.
I have to admit that I often find myself repeating a mantra in my head “I’m a grown up” in an attempt to remind myself that I’m mature, and to stop myself laughing at something inappropriate when in the wrong environment, usually a meeting at work, a social function where I don’t know anyone, or a public toilet.
Words that are my Kryptonite….
1. “Discharge”
There used to be a department at the bank that I worked at called “Discharges”! A whole department of people “discharging”?! I could NOT talk about it enough, I’d find any excuse to use it in a sentence. For my own entertainment, I’d even ring the internal extension just to hear someone answer the phone and say “Discharges”. 8 years I worked there, and it never got old. Ever.