Most teenage girls are thinking about boys, friends and school, wondering what to wear to the movies that weekend and hoping their parents don’t notice the black nail polish on their toes.
For 14-year-old Aiesha Ross, she thinks none of those thoughts. Her thoughts revolve around the colostomy bag she will wear for the rest of her life, wondering which outfit best hides it and experiencing grief over the fact she can’t wear a bikini like her peers.
Ross has spent her entire life just wanting to be normal. As many young and impressionable teenage girls believe, she thinks that by fitting into society’s idea of normal she would be protected from the bullies who have relentlessly teased her all her life. The sad reality is that bullies will always find something to tease you about, however Ross would probably prefer to be teased for anything else other than her medical condition.
Aiesha Ross was born without an anus or rectum, as well as cloacal abnormalities that damaged the nerves in her spine. UK newspaper Metro explains that these nerves control her bowel and bladder, which means she has no control over them and has to wear a colostomy bag, using a tube to empty her bladder. She has one kidney and has a vaginal pouch thanks to surgical intervention, however has no uterus or cervix.
She will never carry her own children.
Aiesha Ross has recently come to the world's attention after a video of her delivering a powerful speech called "The New Normal" was posted on YouTube by her mother Louise Elliot. The proud mum posted the video in October of this year along with this statement: