
The ePad Femme: it's pink so our tiny brains can process it

Eurostar Group is in the business of manufacturing tablet computers. You can get their standard ePad in a number of colors, if you’re a gamer you can get one that is preloaded with some things you might enjoy.  Now, I know that women reading this are already in a panic — computers are so complicated and we are so utterly hopeless with electronics.  Well never fear, there’s a Eurostar Tablet for that — the ePad Femme.  And it’s pink so our tiny brains can process it. 

Of course you are already worried that you’ll never be able to figure out how to download more apps because as a woman you just aren’t very bright.  Don’t fret sweet girl, sit down on your swooning couch and have a diet soda before you get the vapors — downloading more apps isn’t possible with this tablet!  A nice man has predetermined everything you need — an app for grocery shopping, an app for cooking, an app for pregnancy, an app for yoga, perfume and weight loss.  Isn’t he nice?

I had hoped to do a detailed review but unfortunately I was unable to figure out how to power it on, and when I microwaved it in attempts to dry out the screen that I had soaked with my womanly tears of inadequacy and frustration…well…let’s just say I hope my man comes home soon.  Although, as a woman, I know it’s not my place to question that decisions of the strong, smart men at Eurostar, I must say I think that there are a few apps missing — I’d love to see them add Vacuuming in Heels, Stepford Wife, Be Seen and Not Heard and Coffee Making for Dummies. 
If you are a man looking to lavish gifts on your woman and are willing to muster up the patience to help her learn how to turn this complicated thing on and off, then the ePad Femme is for you.  It is the perfect gift for the man who wants to control his partner’s access to information — because isn’t that what love is all about
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