
Christchurch earthquake our thoughts to everyone in New Zealand


25th February – The death toll has risen to 103 overnight. 228 people are still missing.

24th February, 4pm- The confirmed death toll now stands at 98. Police hold grave concerns for another 226 people still missing.

24th February, noon – The confirmed death toll stands at 76 and police are going to release the names of those killed in Tuesday’s earthquake at 4pm. Some reports have put the number of missing as up to 300 but the Prime Minister has said there is severe confusion around the accuracy of the missing persons lists and 238 names will be made public. About 2500 people have been injured, 164 seriously. No survivors have been pulled from the rubble since yesterday afternoon.

23rd February, 10am – Christchurch mayor Bob Parker has confirmed the death toll is now 75. Mr Parker told reporters that 300 people were still missing. 15 people have been found trapped but alive in an air pocket of the collapsed CTV building in Christchurch.

From New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management:

There have been 26 aftershocks greater than magnitude 4, with four greater than magnitude 5.

Aftershocks are likely to continue and this could lead to further building damage or collapse.

A large number of people have been pulled alive from collapsed buildings as rescuers have continued to work throughout the night under floodlights.

The focus overnight and continuing into the morning is on rescuing those who are trapped. Search and rescue teams alongside emergency services are coordinating this effort.

6.20pm – Prime Minister John Key says 65 people have been confirmed dead.

6.15pm – The 22nd aftershock hit Canterbury at 5.56pm. It was a magnitude 4.0 tremor, at a depth of 15km, 10km southeast of Christchurch.

6.11pm – ANZ New Zealand has donated $1 million to support long-term relief efforts in Christchurch and is taking donations from the public.


There have now been nine aftershocks since the 12.51pm quake. The latest was a magnitude 5.0 at 4.04pm.

Via 3news.co.uk

A devastating earthquake has struck Christchurch in New Zealand.  Facades of entire buildings have collapsed onto the streets amid chaotic scenes where people have thronged into the streets of the city centre.  Multiple deaths have been confirmed, the Cathedral has been ruined, hospitals and police stations evacuated and there are piles of rubble everywhere.

New Zealand Herald reports


There have been ‘multiple fatalities’ after a shallow 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch this afternoon caused buildings to collapse, police have confirmed.Police said fatalities had been reported at several locations and that two buses had been crushed by falling buildings.

Christchurch resident Jane Smith, who works in the central city, told the Herald a work colleague had just returned from helping rescue efforts after a building facade had collapsed on a bus on Colombo St.

“There’s people dead. He was pulling them out of a bus. Colombo St is completely munted.”

Police said there were reports of fires in buildings in the central city and of people being trapped.

All available police staff were helping with the rescue operation and the Defence Force had been called in to assist.


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Those concerned for love ones in Christchurch should call DFAT on 1300 555 135

For local information updates click here


Our thoughts are with everyone in New Zealand, and everyone affected by this terrible tragedy.

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