
The books I'll be reading this summer...

As I write this, I have a Kindle overloaded with books I’ve bought throughout the year but not yet had time to read. Many I’ve started. Few I’ve finished. And that is what holidays are for.

Tragically, it’s become pretty much the only time of year when I actually start and finish books – and wonder how I’ve lived without doing so for months and months.

On my list so far this holidays:


Caitlin Moran's How To Be a Woman

1. How To Be a Woman – Caitlin Moran – the Mamamia editorial team are jack of me telling them to read this book. Slightly hypocritical, I know, since I’ve yet to finish it but I’m thisclose to making it a condition of employment at Mamamia – THAT is how brilliant it is.

(You can listen to her interview with another of my favourite women, Australian journalist Julia Baird, here)

If you find feminist polemics (oh look, those two words just halved the traffic to Mamamia in a microsecond) a bit like eating a bowl of raw spelt (good for you but basically unpleasant) then this book is like eating French toast – delicious as well as packed with protein.

Have I stretched the breakfast analogy too far? Caitlin Moran is the most dynamic and exciting and FUNNY feminist writer to emerge since….well, ever. In this book, she uses her memoir to explore some contentious and powerful aspects of what it means to be a woman right now.


From bleeding to Brazilians, fashion to sex (and sexism), she writes so beautifully and has such a gift for hilarious observation that I’ve found myself re-reading sentences and paragraphs just for the joy of how she’s put together words and concepts.

I’m only halfway through this book and

I’m finding myself constantly quoting her in conversations. It’s that good.

Tina Fey's Bossypants

2.Tina Fey – Bossypants. Yes, I’m big on memoirs by smart, funny, inspiring women. This is another one. Whether you know her from Saturday Night Live, her Sarah Palin satire or the brilliant TV series 30 Rock, this is one chick who can write as well as she can do everything else.

Everyone says it’s a fantastic read – I can’t wait to find out.

So I’m starting with a modest list of 2 books but I’ll be sure to report back at the end of the holidays to rave about what else I’ve loved reading.

What about you? What books do you plan to tackle (or have started – or finished! – already) this holiday?

What would you recommend to someone looking for a great summer read?


Here is Booktopia’s Top 20 Fiction bestsellers for 2011.

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