WE BLOODY MADE IT. (And considering this was just boring “front garden” week, let’s keep it short and sweet, shall we? We all have families and lives and comparably shitty houses to get back to.)
But before we get into picket fences and heritage features and yada yada yada, there’s an urgent matter we need to discuss. This, reader friends. We need to discuss this:
I don't think I need to remind anyone that just a couple of short weeks ago, in backyard week, Clint and Hannah were royally roasted by one Shaynna Blaze for their "skanky teabag".
Her exact words in episode 41 were: "You've got a skanky teabag hanging there... if you're going to have someone [sitting] there with a tea, take the teabag out."
Tea lovers right around Australia were shocked - nay - appalled by the comments. How dare Shaynna Blaze judge us for leaving the teabag in. We leave it in because we're BUSY, goddammit, and sometimes we don't have time to sit around and wait for the bloody brewing process. It's not skanky, it's time efficient, Shaynna.
But just two weeks on? Hannah and Clint presented another skanky teabag, only for Shaynna to comment: "You can imagine just sitting here... you can just have a cup of tea and peer above the fence and take in the street."
... soz wot.
My only guess is Shaynna, in the weeks between filming, was pulled over to the dark side of Skanky Teabag-ism and now sees precisely why we all leave our teabags in. If that's the case, welcome to a world of disproportionately strong tea, Shaynna. So glad you could join us. Brace yourself for those last few sips!