
"It feels a little forced." Just all the photos from The Block's formal loungeroom reveal.


Jesse and Mel seem to be the butt of The Block’s punchlines at the moment.

Last week their half finished ensuite left them on the bottom of the pack with some pretty gutting commentary (anyone for a shower in the ‘grey tomb’?).

This week their formal lounge left the judges once again, unamused.

Jesse is adamant about his work this week. Post continues after video.

Video by Nine

The pair spent $35,000 on the room, but Shaynna Blaze hated the perimeter of tiles that framed the outside of the room.

Jesse was having none of it firing back with, “Doesn’t she have expensive taste?”

“It’s calacatta marble, it’s the most expensive type of marble there is,” he said.

Oh, Jesse, no.

Darren Palmer was on Shaynna’s side saying that the border tiles lacked “soul”.

Neale Whitaker piped up with, “It feels a little forced. I feel like I’m in some kind of corporate waiting room before I go into an office. It’s not feeling warm and fuzzy”.


Even though their critique was arguably the most brutal, Jesse and Mel came in next to last with a score of 22.

The Block
The judges all slammed the border tiles used in Jesse and Mel's $35,000 formal lounge. Image: Nine.
The Block
Shaynna said the floral arrangement was the "worst she's ever seen." Image: Nine.
The Block
Jesse thinks his clients would be impressed by the detailing (he's a real estate agent.) Image: Nine.

Matt and Elise.

Matt and Elise were last night's winners, taking home a top score of 29.

The judges frothed on their formal lounge.

"It’s the first house that has all its cornicing, ceiling rose… love love love,” said Shaynna.

"This is pretty spectacular," added Neale.

“I’m fizzing out about it," said Darren.

The judges didn't have a single negative remark to make, and so the couple walked away with an extra $10,000 and a $35,000 Ganaeau fridge.

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The judges couldn't fault Matt and Elise's formal lounge. Image: Nine.
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Neale said they really nailed the “homely” feel. Image: Nine.
The Block
The judges said it was a modern take on understanding heritage detailing and how beautiful it can be. Image: Nine.

Mitch and Mark.

Mitch and Mark are in second place again, falling short of the top prize by half a point.

The judges loved their "Hollywood style" formal lounge.

"It’s absolutely magnificent. It’s lush, it is over the top and I love it," Shaynna said.

Darren loved the floor which he said looked "finessed". He also mentioned that he pictured the hallway as a catwalk with the song "I'm Too Sexy" blaring in the background.

Shaynna's only issue with the room was the fireplace which she felt wasn't elevated enough.

The Block
With a score of 28.5 the Bondi boys were half a point off first place. Image: Nine.
The Block
"These guys are Hollywood," said Shaynna.
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The judges loved the colour palette. Image: Nine.

Andy and Deb.

Coming in third place, Andy and Deb's room was praised for its colour and vibrancy.

"The execution is incredible," Shaynna said.

Darren said they'd found the right balance between making the space grand and personal, while Neale commented that the big palm tree gave it a "sense of colonial".

Shaynna did have an issue with the fact it didn't feel "cosy" enough because it's "light, bright and in your face".

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Deb and Andy came in third with a score of 25.5. Image: Nine.
The Block
Shaynna said it wasn't cosy enough, but did love the green wall, the artwork and the velvet chairs. Image: Nine.
The Block
"Everything in here is the right scale for space," said Darren. Image: Nine.

Tess and Luke. 

Tess and Luke came in at the bottom of the ladder with a score of 22.

Darren loved the flooring, matt finish and colour scheme and said the pair were "80 per cent there".

But Shaynna thought their room struggled with scale and style, "Whoever is doing the styling here is panicking and don't really know what they're doing".

Neale described it as an "elegant but blank canvas".

The Block
The judges thought Tess and Luke's formal lounge was a "blank canvas." Image: Nine.
The Block
Shaynna thought the dark shelves were a "mistake." Image: Nine.
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The pair were told it needed to feel more "like a home." Image: Nine.

The Block is back on our screens tonight at 7:30pm.

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