
The Best & Worst bits of the week.

Best and worst and everything else. How’s your week going?


So you guys. There have been a few comments and questions about why we’ve been mixing up the way we do this post for a while now. For the first few years, I wrote it personally (just like I wrote all the posts back then when it was just me and my laptop in my loungeroom) and when we established our small editorial team, we would often take turns writing it.

I know many of you like to hear from us personally and to get a sense of what’s going on in our lives. The thing though is that unlike you, we don’t have the option of being anonymous. So when we have to share the high and low points of our weeks, it’s all out there on display for the world, even when those highs and lows might actually be situations or emotions we’d prefer to keep private.

We all give a huge amount of ourselves on Mamamia and through MM’s social media channels willingly and with love. But I hope you can understand why we’ve collectively decided to pull back from individual team members writing this post and will now be publishing it from team and taking a more newsy approach.

Please don’t let that affect the way you wish to use this post – feel free to be as personal – or not – as you like and to use whatever form of identification or anonymity feels comfortable.

This post is about you guys anyway. We’ve always wanted to provide a place to vent, celebrate and commiserate and that hasn’t changed. If you have something you want to say that doesn’t fit into the ‘best’ or ‘worst’ of the week framework, that’s totally cool as well.

BEST: The Royal Commission into child abuse. This has been a long time in coming and may finally bring some peace and justice to the thousands of victims of institutionalised abuse.

WORST: As details emerge of individual cases that has prompted this Royal Commission, it’s impossible not to be horrified by the extent to which it’s now clear that child sexual abuse has been covered up, particularly in the church, for decades.

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