
Why you should shop for groceries on a Monday.

Monday is the least popular day to grocery shop in Australia but experts say it’s the day we should be doing the shopping. Imagine breezing through your local supermarket without having to negotiate your trolley around the many other crammed and over-it shoppers in the supermarket isle.

Tuesdays are pretty quiet as well.

Saturdays, according to Roy Morgan research, are the most popular grocery shopping day of the week, closely followed by Sunday. But this “day of rest” will probably soon overtake Saturday as the busiest shopping day. It is Coles and Woolworths biggest “growth” day with typically “big basket” (huge trolleys full of stuff) shoppers taking over the aisles.

Monday is looking so calm and reasonable.

Shopping on a Saturday…

This is what it looks like to shop on a Saturday or a Sunday in Australia. Image: World War Z, Paramount Pictures

vs. grocery shopping on a Monday...

This is what it feels like to shop on a Monday or Tuesday. Image: Bad Moms, STX Entertainment

Shopping on a Monday has other bonuses as well as less people trying to grab the good bananas. Shorter check-out lines and you're also you're more likely to find all of your products in stock at the start of the week because supermarkets have stocked up ready for the onslaught.

Mia Freedman, Monique Bowley and Kate DeBrito on the tricks retailers use to get us to spend more. Article continues after this video.

Other useful grocery shopping tips and interesting facts from the Woolworths 2016 Trolley Trend survey:

  • Over half of us shop on exactly the same day every week;
  • Coles and Woolies are our most popular choices for grocery shopping;
  • More than three-quarters of us shop at at least two different supermarkets during a four week period;
  • Most of us do our main shop once a week but pop in once or twice a week to top up on bread, milk, fruit and veg;
  • Three-quarters of us spend time reading food labels now, on the look out for Aussie-made products and produce according to a Roy Morgan survey;
  • 52 percent of us write out a shopping list;
  • Only 22 percent of us every look at the back of the receipt and take advantage of discount offers;
  • Just 3 percent of grocery shoppers do it online;
  • More women than men (62 percent) do the grocery shopping

Will you switch your shopping day to a Monday or a Tuesday?

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