reality tv

The Bachelors' Felix has given us the 'ick' and we can't go back.

When we were first introduced to Bachelor Felix and his blindingly white teeth a few days ago, it seemed he was your quintessential bachelor.

He's handsome, tall, fit, and has very nice hair. Not as bouff as Osher, but there is definitely some oomph in there. He speaks well. He's funny. His backstory is relatable - he switched careers and worked hard, maybe too hard, causing relationships to fall to the wayside.

Seriously though, how do teeth get so white?


"I'm 27, I've never been in a proper relationship," he told us. "Have I been looking for the wrong thing? I guess I'm about to find out."

His blind dates seemed like a lot of fun, and the women he chose were interesting and vivacious. 

So far, so good. Everything was coming up, well, roses for Felix.

And then THIS happened:

"I will eat your face."





For the love of god, WHY.


Felix not only kissed Tilly twice on the same night it in front of pretty much everyone, but he woke up the next morning with faux-remorse and then kissed Naomi in front of pretty much everyone.

"I know I shouldn't be doing that right in front of everyone, but you know what? I do what I want... I know we're here to find love, but we can have fun as well," he said, chuckling. "A WHOLE LOT OF FUN." 

At the pool party, referring to Naomi, he made a Hannibal Lecter tongue gesture that will haunt me for the rest of my life.


"Did I get carried away? Yes. Would I get carried away again?" he said, grinning. "YES." 

Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here appears to be a Player, with a capital P. 

Or at least, that's what the producers want us to think...



"I just don't want anyone thinking I'm a player," Felix told the women.

Felix, Felix, Felix. It's not just anyone who thinks you're a player; EVERYONE thinks you're a player. You are not helping yourself with this reputation.


So where do we go from here? We've all got the dreaded "ick" from Felix and there's no way to come back from it, right? Everything he does from here on out just seems... inauthentic. He's like that Tinder guy whose profile pic is of him shirtless in front of a bathroom mirror.

In a way though, it's a smart move by the Channel 10 producers and editors. After all, you have Thomas, the really genuine one, and then Jed, the cool, "alternative" one, so having Felix as the "naughty" one makes sense. That means you have a captive audience following Thomas's love story, a curious audience following Jed's love story, and an angry audience following Felix's "love" story.

That's basically all of Australia.

What I don't get is why the women aren't calling Felix out on it, in this ~new Bachie era~ where they get to... you know, say what they really think.

It's clear to see this is a man who is high on the power of being a Bachelor. Surely someone will pull him up on his behaviour soon?

Feature Image: Network 10.

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