reality tv

The conversation we didn't see that might explain why Ali sent Wes home on The Bachelorette.


Last night’s episode of The Bachelorette left us confused about a number of things.

  1. Why does a mediocre dancer named Ivan think he’s going to be the next Magic Mike?
  2. Why does he keep… dancing?
  3. Why have Osher’s games never, ever made even a little bit of sense? Not even by accident?

But the biggest question lingering once the show was over was, of course, WHY WOULD YOU SEND HOME A PERSON WITH THIS FACE:


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I don’t… understand.

Given the collective confusion over this decision, Mamamia spoke to 31-year-old Wesley, who lives in Queensland, about what the hell went wrong.


The heavy machinery operator admitted he was confused about why none of his time with Ali was included in the show.

“We had good chats, we got along well,” he said. “I just don’t know why they didn’t put anything on.”

He did say, however, that his final conversation with Ali might explain why he was left without a rose.

“She sort of said she likes to keep her cards close to her chest,” he explained. “It made me question, well, if you’re here to find love, don’t you have to put it all out on the table so people can see what you’ve got and who you are?”

We unpack Ali’s latest week in the mansion on our Bach Chat podcast. Post continues after audio. 

“She might have taken it the wrong way,” he said, implying that perhaps Ali thought his comment was a criticism.

Wesley also added that in hindsight, he thinks “maybe the producers have a lot of say in who stays and who goes”.

In terms of the tension between fellow contestants Charlie and Bill on last night’s episode, which involved Charlie accusing Bill of acting purely in his own interests, Wesley said what we see on TV is a “magnified” version of what happens within the mansion.

“Some of the storyline doesn’t follow what happened,” he said.

Why is that… not surprising?

Finally, yes, Wes is keen for Bachelor in Paradise. So hopefully we’ll be seeing that absurdly attractive face again very, very soon.

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