Phew. We’re back to opening on the beach this week.
Something about watching Tim stare out at the horizon while he contemplates life just feels right.
And he finally admits to the beach/thinking connection that we’ve known was there since week 1: “Salt water just helps me clear my head,” he says. “I’m usually a person that thinks a lot with my head.”
Well, you’re not the only one Timmy.
Oh, wait – he’s still going: “My head is just all over the place.” Well, maybe that’s because he hasn’t taken the time to do his serious beach thinking the last few weeks’ episodes. Hopefully this extra-long sesh will regenerate his brain.
Cut to the remaining seven girls doing what all women do when they’re alone together: frolicking in the sea and throwing a Frisbee around, while dressed in their bikinis.
Osher decides that this is the perfect moment for him to show up with something they’re all willing to pounce on him for: the single date card. Ali is staking her claim early. In a private moment with the camera she says she WILL get some alone time with Tim this week. You can tell by her face that she means it. Crazy eyes has returned!
Rochelle gets the one-on-one. Ali is devastated and completely unable to hide it, although she does manage to get her emotions in check before the sea rises up in fury behind her. (She may or may not have been training a giant death squid with vials of her competitors’ blood.)