
A wedding, 2 babies and a vow of silence: The Bachelor's most ridiculous rumours.

From ‘Snezana is pregnant’ to ‘Heather is married’, it’s all happening.

If every rumour about The Bachelor and all his girlfriends were true, there would have been approximately two pregnancies, one wedding, and eight million instances of backstabbing in the last four weeks alone.

In the four weeks where Sam Wood and all his girlfriends have become household names around every trashy reality TV lover in Australia, tabloids have been doing their best brainstorms when it comes to ~crazy rumour of the day~ and they haven’t disappointed.

The Five Most Ridiculous Rumours From This Season: Ranked.

5. Heather’s ‘really good mates’ with Sam, but he says he hasn’t spoken to her since the show ended, but Snezana also says she hasn’t spoken to him since filming wrapped.

Level of believability: 3 out of 10.

Someone is lying here, but we’re not sure who. In separate interviews on The Kyle and Jackie O Show, Heather, Snezana and Sam have all spoken about their current relationships with each other, but no one seems to be telling the truth.

Heather says Sam is a ‘really good mate’ and talked to her about him pashing other girls on the show before the episodes aired.

‘I did, yeah. Him [Sam] and I had actually very briefly, kind of talked about but, that’s also because like I said we’re really good friends,” Heather said.

the bachelor australia rumours
Heather and Sam, great friends. Image via Channel 10.

Sam says he hasn’t spoken to Heather since filming wrapped.

‘That’s not true. I haven’t been speaking to Heather,’ Sam said.

Snezana also says she hasn’t spoken to Sam since filming wrapped.

‘No, I have had no contact with Sam since the show ended,” Snezana said.

the bachelor australia rumours
Snezana and Sam, not on speaking terms. Image via Channel 10.

But who’s telling the truth? Probably no one. Or all of them. All of these guys are contractually obliged to keep things vague until the finale, so… murky waters.

4. Heather is either already married, planning her wedding to Sam or just ‘trying on wedding dresses for fun’.

Level of believability: 0 out of 10.

This completely true fact rumour came out of an article published in Woman’s Day a couple of weeks after the show began. There’ a photo of Heather trying on a wedding dress. Cleverly, WD decided to run with the photo and create a fabricated story about a fictional wedding that she was planning to Sam, cutting off the part of the caption that clearly showed the image was from 2013.

The photo that was proof enough to print that Heather has already married Sam. Image via Facebook.

Good work, Day.

3. Sarah cheated on her boyfriend with Sam.

Level of believability: 3 out of 10.

When Sarah’s sister posted a photo of Sarah almost kissing Sam on her Facebook, commenters were confused – doesn’t she have a boyfriend? Is she a cheater? How silly must she be to cheat on her boyfriend on live TV?

Turns out, Sarah and her boyfriend broke up before the show began filming and remain friends.

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Sarah, supposedly but not actually a cheater. Image via Channel 10.

“Jake and I broke up in November 2014 but still remain close friends, in fact we caught up recently whilst I was in Adelaide. I genuinely went on the show to find love again,” she told Mamamia in a statement.

2. One of the girls turned up to the show to begin filming – and found out she was pregnant.

Level of believability: 0.5 out of 10.

A rumour started circulating in week one of the show that one of the girls found out she was pregnant shortly before filming began. The story goes, one of the girls showed up sobbing and asking for a pregnancy test. The producers scurried off to find one, only to have it come back negative.

This sounds like the plot of a midday movie. Running in sobbing? Public pregnancy test? Unlikely.

1. The winner of The Bachelor is already pregnant with Sam’s baby.

Level of believability: 1 out of 10.

This shocker was the exact same rumour that started going around last season just before the finale, so there’s not even a slight change that this one is true. It just makes for good speculation.

The story goes… the winner of The Bachelor is already ‘three months ago!’ and has “already got a little tummy”, and because Snezana is the only one on the show with a child, it must be her, of course.

Of course.  Enjoy the rumours.


Click through the gallery below for photos from the show. Post continues after gallery.


We’ve still got at least another four weeks of The Bachelor, which means there’s enough time for eight more weddings, at least four ‘pregnant with twins’ rumours and a dozen conspiracy theories about who wins the show.

Until then. let’s just enjoy the show for what it is – slightly entertaining, painfully awkward television.

Have you been watching The Bachelor?

In case you’ve missed any of Rosie’s Recaps of The Bachelor, you can catch up below…

Episode 8

Episode 7

Episode 6

Episode 5

Episode 4

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

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