
We interviewed this year's Bachelor. Much beach-gazing was discussed.







Season 2 of The Bachelor Australia kicks off tomorrow night. TOMORROW NIGHT (caps just feel right at the moment). And you know what that means…

I can now crawl out of the sad, lonely foetal position I’ve been in for the last 12 months and once again resume my glorious reason for being:

WRITING BACHELOR RECAPS. The first will go up straight after Wednesday night’s episode, so get to Mamamia as soon as the last rose is handed out. (And you can read all of last year’s RIGHT HERE).

But, before we start, I’ve got a special, shirtless treat for you all:

I recently spoke to this year’s muscles with a head, Blake, and it was just how you’d imagine a sit-down with Oprah would go, but with more talk of catamarans and beach-gazing.

Here’s how it went down:

I’ll be watching you…


Rosie: Was there an abs test during the casting process?

Blake: Um… No, there wasn’t actually, at the time.

Rosie: Really? No sneaky peeks?

Blake: Well, they’d seen some of my modelling photos from the past and that was enough for them to go on in that regard. They could tell that I keep myself in shape. So, it was thought of, but no sneaky peeks.


Rosie: How about a beach-gazing test? Did they ask you to walk along the beach and think about love while you stare out at the water?

Blake: Well that’s exactly where they found me, Rosie, funnily enough.

Rosie: Stop it. Really?

Blake: No, but wouldn’t that be awesome?

Rosie: If they had found you contemplating life on the beach that would actually be my dream come true.

Blake: No, actually a friend of mine ended up robbing me in, and I got a phone call form one of the talent scouts and I interviewed back and forth from there and a couple of months later, here we are.

Rosie: Have you done any serious beach-gazing so far?

Blake: I have done some, yes. I have done some beach gazing and some pool gazing and some star gazing. There’s a whole lot of gazing, Rosie.

Rosie: A lot of contemplating of life?

Blake: Well, you get to a point where you gaze so much that you start to actually picture something out there.

Rosie: Like Osher rising out of the waves?

Blake: Hahaha yes. And mermaids.

Rosie: Do you have any straight up deal breakers when it comes to the girls?

Spot the random.

Blake: Smokers. And bad manners. People who take too many things for granted and who aren’t polite. I notice that. People who may be smiling to me but if someone runs in to give me a hand with some make up or some rubbish or and they’re rude to them? Well I pay attention to that stuff.

Rosie: So Blake’s a pretty cluey Bachelor then?

Blake: I like to think so.

Rosie: Have you talked to last year’s Bachelor, Tim, to get any advice?

Blake: No actually. They gave me the opportunity to meet him, but I decided that I wanted to go in fresh and take the experience as it comes. So I didn’t watch any of the episodes and the producers were okay with that. But Tim and Anna are definitely great inspiration for me, I mean they are so in love and such a solid relationship, If I could walk away from this with something like that I would be so lucky.

Rosie: So has this been the start of a life-long bromance with Osher then?

Blake: Osher is so funny. He’s been a crack-up. He’s been great. But there are some situations where you have to be so serious, and he just comes into the room dancing. He’s hilarious.

Rosie: We love Osher here at Mamamia. His insightful voiceovers are one of the highlights for the show for us.

Blake: And what about his hair? His hair is even better than last season!

Rosie: Oh my god. His hair needs it’s own Twitter account.


Blake: I’ll definitely pass that on to him.

Rosie: What’s your ultimate date, and how many helicopters and/or seaplanes does it involve?

Blake: Ten of each. At least.

Rosie: I can’t even deal. This is going to be the best season ever.

Blake: We have organised some amazing dates for the girls.


Rosie: You organised them? Or did a producer do everything and you just turned up and took your shirt off?

Blake: No I got to contribute! Before filming started they came to me and said “Imagine you have no budget. What would you want to do?” And from there we organised some incredible stuff. And to get to do that with these girls has been such an amazing experience. And just to think that one of those women could be my wife one day, I mean what an amazing story to be able to look back and say this is how we met.

I remember on the first night, as I was waiting for the limos to arrive, I suddenly realised that one of the women who gets out of these cars might be my future wife. And just to think – I could be about to meet the woman who’ll be wife… That was pretty amazing.

Rosie: Okay this is the most important question of the interview –

Blake: Well, I don’t know Rosie… Technically I’m single now but I am in the middle of this show…


Rosie: Oh Blake. You wish. I actually wanted to ask if you could get your hands on an official Bachelor rose for me. We really want one for the Mamamia office.

Blake: Let me talk to some people here. I reckon I could pull some strings for you actually.

Rosie: Well you’ve totally made out like you’re big shot at channel ten, so It’ll be pretty embarrassing for you if you can’t make it happen.

Blake: Alright Rosie I’ll see what I can do. I’ll definitely try to get you a rose.

Rosie: Damn straight.



Coming up tomorrow: I get the low-down from Osher on his glorious hair, the mysterious white rose, and the longest pause he’s ever managed to put……. in the middle of a sentence.



Tune in Wednesday, 7:30pm on Channel Ten, and join everyone at @Mamamia for our live-twitter party during the very first episode.



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