I have to admit that I suffer hugely from decision fatigue relating to pretty much everything, which is why I’m really liking all the new technology out there that can make all my decisions for me. Whether it’s what to eat or when to go to sleep, there’s a website or an app out there to help me figure it out – and that’s why I’ve made this list of the sites and apps that are making my life almost too easy.
1. What book to read.
I can’t tell you how many books I’ve bought based on the colour of the cover or other similarly ridiculous reason. Now Whichbook is here to help me. You enter the criteria for what kind of book you’re in the mood for – happy or sad, beautiful or disgusting, easy or hard, lots of sex or none – and it gets back to you with exactly what you should read. It’s a little bit of genius.
2. What to make for dinner.
If I’m having a bit of trouble deciding what to feed my loved ones, I try What The F*** Should I Make For Dinner. It’s a bit rude – so don’t click if you’re easy offended – but very straightforward in that it will tell you exactly what to make for dinner. No umm’s, no ahh’s, no “do you feel like chicken? What about tacos?”. It’ll even take you straight to the relevant recipe. If you don’t like it, or don’t eat meat, click again and it’ll give you another option. At the very least, it’s not bad for inspiration.
App-wise, try Epicurious (free)- search by ingredients you already have, or categories (my favourite category being “I Can Barely Cook”) to find the best recipe to make for dinner.
3. What to drink with your dinner.