Well here’s something I never thought I would say: those Playboy bunnies have really taught us a valuable lesson.
Far from the 1960’s sepia-toned view of the Playboy Mansion being a household of sexy girls serving martinis in bunny tails, the modern home of Hugh Hefner is finally being seen for exactly what it is: sex work.
The Playboy house is about young women exchanging sex for money. Willingly.
Sex work: it’s a trade that has been around in some format or another since the beginning of time. And whilst I am not interested in the moral slinging of mud as to whether it is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, I will say that sex work is a reality of the human race. It exists.
But for some reason, the gated community of the Hefner Playboy House has always circumvented the label of ‘sex work’, somehow being seen as another format of sexual entertainment. Playboy Bunnies aren’t prostitutes, and Hef’s bevy of blonde girlfriends aren’t sex workers – they’re just pretty, young women having fun with men. Aren’t they?
Fair to say that this perception changed forever, when Hef’s ex-girlfriend Kendra Wilkinson declared that she slept with him in exchange for money.
“I made the choice to sleep with an 80-year-old man for some money.”
And like that, her role – and the role of the other ‘girlfriends’ – was exposed for exactly what is was, cute titles and all. Sex work.
Kendra has been speaking out in recent months in a retaliation against the other ex-girlfriend to Hugh Hefner, Holly Madison (they dated him at the same time), who has been vocal about her abusive experience in the house.