
'Back on Bumble I see.' 11 women share the last text message they ever sent their ex.

Ahh exes. Don't we love them? No? Oh okay. Well, I have good news for you... You're not alone. 

Like relationships, every breakup is different. Some are amicable, some are toxic and some are so cringe that the random memory of them jolts you wide awake at 3am.

Watch: Horoscopes & Breakups. Post continues below.

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We all want to be those people who move on after a breakup to bigger and better things. Yet, we are only human. Everyone texts their ex. We might text them just after we've broken up, we might text them after bumping into them at Woolies and we might text them on a drunken night walk home (guilty).

The point is, we all do it.

To prove you're not alone, here are the last texts that 11 women sent their exes:

The "Oh, while I've got you here..."

"I sent this around five years ago after bumping into my ex at a pub. Understandably, didn't get a response and still cringe about it."

Image: Supplied.


The "Don't waste my time."

"You can tell my patience was running thin. Reading back I feel mean but he was so annoying."

Image: Supplied.


"I went from Tinder to WhatsApp and when his photo icon appeared on WhatsApp, I realised I had been catfished. His profile photo on Tinder looked like a Bold and The Beautiful actor and he had clearly used a Snapchat filter... his real photo did not. So when he came knocking, I sent him blocking..."

Image: Supplied.


The "just checking in..."

"This was the day after we slept together while he was dating another girl (they’d been together for two years) and he said he was going to break up with her the next day... The spiral I went through trying to decide if it was more powerful to never speak again and rip him a new one. Also... They're still together."

Image: Supplied.


The "Rate and review."

"I remember when I was ghosted for the first time. It was with a guy that I was dating for two months. I always thought that ghosting was something that happened to a friend of a friend but when it happened to me, I actually couldn't believe it. I had nothing to lose so thought I'd send him a cheeky ghosting review."

Image: Supplied.


The "Special occasion excuse."

"We had a lovely nice and normal end, he politely told me he had met someone, I politely wished him luck. Four months later and a day before Valentine's Day of all days I saw him on Bumble again, he never replied so I don't think he liked the call out."

Image: Supplied.


"The last messages with my ex-girlfriend... Now I'm thinking all deep and s**t as I go through old texts."

Image: Supplied.

The "Just checking, we're good."

"The last time we met, I had been 'day drinking' and wasn't my best self to put it mildly. We ended up in a fight and he stormed out, and I wanted to put the feelers out to see if I had been as scary as I remembered."


Image: Supplied.

The "Let's just part ways."

"This guy had given me the ick and I probably hadn't been as direct and polite as I should have been so did a fizzle-ghost. Months later, he sent me a text out of the blue— 'Hey stranger.' Unfortunately, the ick was still very much there, and I wanted to remain 'strangers.'"

Image: Supplied


"We in fact, never saw each other around."

Image: Supplied.


And finally... The no text at all strategy.

"Honestly, I just use the Break up Boss app to not send a bunch of 'f**k you' messages. It has a feature that allows you to send texts into a void that you know you'll regret sending later, but gives the same UX as sending a real text. Really cathartic and highly recommend!"

And with that helpful piece of advice, I leave you here. I hope this made you feel better about texting your ex (it definitely did for me).

Have you ever sent your ex a text that you can't stop thinking about? Let me know in the comments.

If you want more culture opinions by Emily Vernem or want to contribute to pieces like this in the future, you can follow and DM her on Instagram @emilyvernem.

 Feature image: Canva/Supplied.

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