
Tessa James has some advice for fellow City2Surf runners.

It’s been a tough few years for Tessa James. After undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2015, the Home and Away actress has now marked one year since going into remission.

Splitting her time between Sydney and LA for auditions, James is busier than ever – and has been preparing for the City2Surf run this weekend. We chatted to the 25 year old about how she stays motivated, her beauty must-haves and how not to sweat the small stuff.

You’re running City2Surf this weekend – how do you stay motivated when training?

“My motivation for exercise is how it makes me feel. I feel healthy, strong and clear in the mind when I exercise which I love and feel is important.

When running the City2Surf this Sunday on behalf of Westpac I will be pushing through the entire 14 kilometres, with the end in sight the entire time. I’m also motivated by the community aspects of the event, such as running for my key charity; The Westpac Foundation.”

Watch: Those Two Girls count down the six types of people you find at the gym. Post continues after video.

What’s your advice for people also participating in the run?

“To have fun and enjoy the day! I’ve been told what an amazing event it is, so I’m really looking forward to running in it for the first time and supporting the Westpac Foundation. For people who are taking part, I would say the most important advice is just to have fun and enjoy the day!”


10K training done ???????? #city2surf @westpac #yourrace #westpac

A photo posted by Tessa James (@tessacharis) on Aug 5, 2016 at 3:24pm PDT

What are your top two budget beauty products?

“A body brush! I love body brushing I do it twice a day – and you can buy them pretty much anywhere. It’s an affordable but incredible way to get your lymphatic system moving. The other would be coconut oil – it’s just so versatile. It’s one of many oils I use on my body and skin. I also cook with it sometimes.”


How do you deal with the speed bumps that come up in life?

“I have a very positive outlook on life and I enjoy every day. Of course I’m human and things come up but I just try and deal with them in the moment and move forward knowing that in a day, a week or potentially a year they will be in the past.” (Post continues after gallery.)


You’re in the US a lot for auditions – how do you cope with the body image pressure that’s so prevalent in Hollywood?

“You need to be happy with you and I place extremely high importance on a balanced life such as nourishing my body with organic food, looking after my body with exercise and being happy. Everyone is different and it always comes down to what works for you but I find this approach very beneficial for my work and sometimes the pressures that come with the industry I am in.”


You’ve always been passionate about exercising and eating well – how has your regimen changed over the past few years?

“I think the main thing that has changed for me over the past few years is that I have learnt to really listen to my body. I am consistent with my fitness but I always listen to my body. If I’m tired, I don’t push it – I’ll let my body rest and recoup. Everything in moderation is important.”


90s Drew Vibes ???? @dianegorgievski @kodacutters_bondi #growing #pokemon ☺️ A photo posted by Tessa James (@tessacharis) on Jul 14, 2016 at 10:16pm PDT



What does a typical day on a plate look like for you?

“I start my day with apple cider vinegar and my herbal tonic from my naturopath. For breakfast I”ll have a smoothie or maybe eggs if I’m out and an almond cappucino. I usually have a green juice mid-morning if I’m hungry.

Lunch is usually salad with goats cheese and fish. For dinner I’ll eat a grain such as quinoa with veggies and maybe some avocado. Otherwise it’s fish and veggies or salad depending on my day. I end my day with magnesium.”


What are your favourite short hair styling products?

“Anything from Oribe. I love all of their products.”

Image: Getty.

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