
"The time I felt like a terrible mother."

Here’s where we post anonymous videos in which we share secrets from The Motherish staff, along with any submitted by you. The topic for each video can be anything; life, love, eating, snooping. Nothing is off limits, and no-one is revealed.

We all have our days when we’re just not feeling the super mum vibe. It’s okay, we ALL have our days.

Sometimes, it’s not even a whole day, it’s just a moment. You slip up, you forget something, you react on reflex not thought and you do something that you think is truly terrible as a mum.

We’ve felt the depths of guilt when we do something that makes us feel like an awful parent. Here are some times when our team have felt like terrible mothers.

Can you add to it (fathers too)?

Missed last week’s The Motherish Confessions? Watch: What’s the worst thing your in-laws have done?

Get your confession in our Motherish Confessions next week; The biggest lie I’ve told my partner. Comment below or email us

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