
This man has a history of abuse against women. Why is he starring in Madonna's new film clip?

When will Hollywood stop glorifying abusers?

Terrence Howard has appeared in Madonna’s new film clip ‘Ghosttown’ in another case of Hollywood failing to acknowledge a stars history of abuse.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Terrence Howard, here’s where it’s at. In 2001, Howard was arrested for assaulting his first wife. In 2005, he was charged after punching a woman in a diner and eventually plead guilty to harassment. More recently, in 2013, Howard’s second wife got a restraining order out against him.

Terrence Howard
Terrence Howard continues to get work in Hollywood despite his history of abuse. Image via Getty.

Now as Howard’s new TV show Empire has announced a second season and revived his career, he’s also appeared in Madonna’s new film clip Ghosttown.

Howard plays a character who is hunting Madonna down through a sniper gun. He eventually throws the gun away and they appear to fall in love while dancing. But at the end of the scene he holds her in a captive position with one hand around her neck.

Yeah… Not okay.


While on a press tour earlier this year, Howard was questioned by journalists on his past arrests. Though he made sure to emphasize the fact that there were no criminal charges against him he said the abuse was down to him “not knowing how to deal with frustration.”

Now married to his third wife and with a new baby, the actor says he is reformed.

“I’ve grown so much from anything that happened in the past,” he told journalists.

Over to you now… Do you think it’s okay? 


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