
Actress Teresa Palmer shares her trick for making life more bearable.

In this Tez Talks Australian actress, Teresa Palmer, talks achieving balance in all areas of life.

Tez discusses how establishing your priorities and committing to them can help you stay balanced and healthy. With a busy work life and a young family, Tez knows it’s important to check in with yourself and find out what lights you up, makes you happy and allows you to feel energised throughout your day-to-day life.

She beautifully articulates how precious our time is; a wonderful reminder as we race through our busy lives.

And when something doesn’t feel right, or one section of our lives isn’t being tended to, we are not truly living the best life we can.

Teresa challenges you to write out your ‘balance list’ and then commit to it for two weeks.

So, we encourage you to take Tez’s two week challenge and let us know how you feel at the end of it!

To find out more about Your Zen Life by Teresa Palmer, visit her website here.

YouTube: YZL Zenlife
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