
How to tell your hairdresser you hate what they've done to your hair and not ruin your relationship.

Image via 20th Century Fox.

There’s nothing worse than spending a couple of hours in the salon chair, having your hair washed, foiled, blow dried, brushed, straightened, spritzed and curled, only to absolutely hate the final result.

We’ve all been there.

“I had a trainee dye my coloured hair dark blonde, and my virgin roots platinum blonde. It was awful. I knew it. She knew it. I pretended I loved it. Then left and cried,” says Emily, 31.

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If something is wrong with my food in a restaurant, I’ll be the first to say something. Ditto with shopping. So why are we so afraid to tell our hairdresser we don’t like what they’ve done?

To help us navigate this awkward situation, we asked Jaye Edwards, director at Edwards and Co how best to deal with the awkward situation.

Would you rather a client told you they didn’t like what you’d done rather than go elsewhere to fix it?

“Of course. At Edwards and Co we encourage our clients to inform us if they are at all unhappy, for the simple reason an unhappy clients tells more people about their experience than a happy client.” (Post continues after gallery.)

 Why do you think people are scared to tell their hairdresser?

“I think it’s mostly embarrassment or fear that the hairdresser might get angry. Sometimes people may be worried the colourist does not know what they are doing.”

RELATED: 4 things your hairdresser really, really wants you to stop doing.


Would you take it personally?

"It is hard not to, but we all do our best not to take it too personally."

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How would you like the client to tell you?

"Honesty is best. However the client should know exactly what they don't like about the colour, so that the colourist or stylist can change it." (Post continues after gallery.)

So there you have it - be straightforward, honest but not mean, and try to pinpoint exactly what you don't like about it, so your hairdresser can do their best to change it.

If something has gone horribly wrong at the fault of the hairdresser (which would be rare if you've found yourself a good one) you should not be expected to pay any more than the original cut.

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Taking in pictures of exactly what you want is also a great way to ensure there's no miscommunication between you and your hairdresser.

And if you do manage to find a hairdresser that delivers everytime and is essentially your hair soulmate - hang on to them. Oh, and send us their number.

All the celebrity hair inspiration you need...


Do you tell your hairdresser when you don't like what they've done? What are your tips?

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