I have literally no idea how to use Snapchat.
Ever since downloading the app somewhere between one and three years ago (??), I’ve found myself fumbling around trying to work out exactly what I’m meant to be doing.
I’m not sending nudes. That’s not a thing.
I am filming my dog when he’s being silly, and getting snaps of cute babies in public, although of course I’m not doing that, because that would be highly unethical and impinge on people’s privacy.
What I do on Snapchat is so humiliatingly far removed from what celebrities and 'social influencers' (yes, I follow them for the lols) appear to be doing, that I've legitimately begun to feel like there's a secret set of rules I've just never come across.
For months, I've so badly wanted to understand how cool people use Snapchat, and I've come to the realisation that there's only one way to find out. I need to get a cool person to show me.
Enter: Caitlin*.
Caitlin is my 18-year-old cousin who also happens to be very, very cool. You know what I mean. Her Instagram is flawless. She has that impossible hair colour that only Cara Delevingne and approximately three other people are born with, and she instinctively knows the do's and don't's of any social scenario. SHE'S ALWAYS AT THE BEACH. She's just that sort of person.
So I asked Caitlin to 'pls explain' Snapchat. And you guys, there are rules. Rules that I definitely, 100 per cent, have not been following.
Don't send nudes.
Caitlin says Snapchat isn't about sending nudes. It didn't take long for people to realise that the whole "it only lasts a few seconds!" argument was inherently flawed, what with a little trick called a 'screen shot.' She says there's a million ways for someone to save a photo of you without you knowing, so no one wants to take that risk.