
Three weeks after taking her own life, Brandy Vela is still being bullied and harassed online.

Warning: this post contains distressing content relating to suicide.

Three weeks after taking her own life, Brandy Vela is still being bullied and harassed online.

The Texan teenager committed suicide at home in early December, saying she could no longer go on due to the relentless online bullying she was experiencing, and now just weeks on, it appears the culprits have continued to set up fake social media accounts of the teen following her death.

At least two Facebook profiles using photos of the deceased teen have been discovered since her death. In one, the profile photo has been manipulated to show Vela with guns, another depicts her as a pig.

Brandy Vela was relentlessly harassed online.

Following the discovery, Brandy's father, Raul Vela said, “I thought all this was behind us, but it’s not over."

Speaking to KHOU earlier this week he continued, “I know what she was going through now. It’s not that easy just to shut it off and let it go.”

Prior to taking her own life, Vela had reported the ongoing harassment to both school staff and police. Neither were able to identify the culprits, who were operating off an untraceable app.

According to Brandy's sister, "They would make dating websites of her. They would put her number and put her picture, and lie about her age. They'd say she was giving herself up for sex for free, to call her."

A copy of the message Brandy Vela sent to her family before her death.

"They would say really, really mean things like, 'Why are you still here?' They would call her fat and ugly. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful; the only thing people could find to pick on her was her weight."

Despite Facebook shutting the profiles down, Raul Vela says he plans to continue trying to identify the group who he believes, drove his daughter to her own suicide.

“I want justice,” he said. “And I will for years. We’ll never, we’ll never stop.”

If this post brings up issues for you, or you just need someone to talk to, please call Lifeline on 131 114. You can also visit the Lifeline website here and the Beyond Blue website here.

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