
Young teddy bear maker wins hearts across globe as good deeds go viral.

By Elise Fantin

The story of a young Hobart boy who makes bears for sick children has captured the hearts of millions around the world as his deeds go viral.

Campbell Remess, 12, has become an internet sensation after a video of his work was posted online last month.

With the clip notching up more than 30 million views, Campbell’s work has reached audiences in the UK, the US and Europe.

“It’s really cool that it’s made it all the way over that far around the world,” he said.

The talented youngster who has been making bears nearly every day for three years is taking the attention in his stride.

“I just keep on doing what I do,” he said.

Campbell, known affectionately as “Bumble”, said he had a strategy to deal with the growing social media demands.

“I’ve got to put it to the side, make the bear and then I go back on for five minutes and write back and then I go back to what I’m doing,” he said.

National and international TV shows are lining up to interview him and schools have asked for him to visit and talk to their students.

Hundreds of phone calls.

His mum Sonya Whittaker said her phone had not stopped ringing.


“What’s crazy is that he’s done this for three years and he’s just sat in his little room doing his little thing and all of a sudden, overnight, it just went bang,” she said.

Ms Whittaker said making sure Campbell did not become overwhelmed by the attention was important.

“He’s still doing his school work, he’s still doing his normal jobs,” she said.

“He still has to make his bed, he still has to take his dog for play, he still has to do all of those things — so media, I’ve just said a boundary of one interview every two days.”

The family has had to set up a website to deal with the increase in requests for bears.

Ms Whittaker said strangers from around the world had also donated items including fur, ribbon and stuffing.

“To see the like-minded people wanting to help out and be part of Campbell’s project is incredible,” Ms Whittaker said.

Campbell is also working on organising a fundraiser dinner in Hobart for cancer research.

This post originally appeared on ABC News.

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