That probably sounds strange. Let me explain.
I won’t ever tell my kids – boys, sons – not to hit girls.
I never reinforce the “men don’t hit women” message.
I will not teach my sons not to hit women.
Do I think women deserve to be hit?
Absolutely NOT!
Do I think violence against women is acceptable?
Hell NO!
Right now, at this point in time, whilst we’re fighting for the rights of women, fighting for equality (and in a rather slap-in-the-face-with-a-wet-fish moment, perhaps, under the circumstances, the word “fighting” is highly inappropriate. Work with me here? You know what I mean, right?) and fighting to be seen and heard.
I have no problems with this fight, and support it as best I can.
Right now, at times I feel that this is at the expense of men and boys.
They are oft portrayed as beer swilling, stupid acting morons, incapable of raising children, cleaning the house or doing anything other than looking good in a suit, and attracting bimbos with a horrendously overpowering body spray.
This is the case in commercials, on TV shows, in movies and more.
Most men are not like this.