
This little girl learning where meat comes from will melt your carnivorous heart.

“Mummy, what’s bacon?”

It’s a sentence that would strike fear in every parent’s heart.

That is, unless your kids grew up on a farm, watched Babe or Charlotte’s Web (correct me if I’m wrong, but I swear these are the exact same movie!) or they got brainwashed early by the Simpsons episode where Lisa turns vegetarian. And the lesson we all learned there was that you don’t make friends with salad.

So meat is here to stay in your house. How on earth do you explain to your innocent offspring that the succulent lamb roast they just polished off for dinner is in fact the same adorable fluffy baby lamb that was out in the paddock the other day?

Aussie mum Chelsea Bennett faced this dilemma recently, when her daughter asked where meat comes from.

Listen: Chelsea tries to explain where meat comes from on This Glorious Mess. 

You can tell the mum of four girls is doing her best not to laugh as she attempts to answer her daughter’s questions.

Dakota, aged five in the video, is devastated to learn that people kill animals to eat them.

“I don’t want pig or lamb ever again,” she sobs.

Trying to tempt her daughter back to the dark side of carnivorous living, Chelsea lists off her favourite foods.

“No meat pies? No sausage rolls ever again? No hot dogs?”


“Nope. No. No. No animal in the world ever again!”

“What about ham and Devon sandwiches, your favourite?” Chelsea asks.

It's no wonder the kid is crying.

The family from Kiama, south of Sydney, obviously eat a lot of Devon, because Dakota's next question was, "what's Devon?"

Ah yes, it's a question that has plagued many of us. What indeed is Devon? Mystery meat. I'd venture a guess that there are at least a few beaks and hooves in there, and I don't even want to think about what else.

But quick as a flash, Chelsea had an answer for her troubled daughter.

"Oh, Devon's a whole lot of different stuff."

According to our sources, Dakota is back on the meat now but she hasn't touched Devon since.

Smart cookie.

Watch the video in it's adorable entirety, playing at the top of this article.

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