I’m 29 and I just googled “career aptitude test”. Yeah, like those multiple choice tests you are forced to do at about 16 to help you choose your subjects for Year 11 and 12.
At the time, this was unnecessary - as a teenager, there were lots of things I wanted to do, two things foremost among them.
Option A - become a surgeon, because that would naturally entail having sex with dreamy neurosurgeons in elevators. Yes, I was obsessed with Grey’s Anatomy in high school, why do you ask?
Option B - become a teacher. I had always had this in the back of my mind, and people constantly told me I’d be good at it. I was a bossy, loud know-it-all, but also patient, friendly, and loved kids. It was a no-brainer.
Watch: When I grow up I want to be... Post continues after video.
I’ve been teaching for a few years now at a public high school in regional NSW, and I love it… sometimes. The teacher shortage is not slowing down, and the worse it gets, the more those of us who remain are contemplating our options. Unfortunately, now that I think about it, sex in elevators actually sounds kind of stressful, so I guess ‘surgeon’ is off the table for me.
So there I was, googling aptitude tests. Then, after sitting through 20 minutes of mind-numbing questions, I was asked to pay $9.95 for the results. I closed the tab, got out a pen and paper, and turned to a trusty pro-con list and brainstorming session.