The internet is a wonderful thing. Where else can you out find the makeup tips of your favourite celebrities, every single episode of Parks and Recreation and what happened on this day in 1672?
But there are certain things the internet should not be used for, namely medical advice. This is something I learnt the hard way.
Like all beauty horror stories, this one begins with good intentions. I was looking for a natural way to treat the undesirable spots that tend to show up on obvious parts of the face at inconvenient times (hello, pimples).
The back of any spot treatment bottle has enough confusing scientific words to make even a science major’s head spin, leading many people (myself included) to search for natural alternatives. But where we get this advice is not always reputable.
I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, ‘but Sarah, things on the internet are extremely credible, especially if it’s on five different .org sites.’ Not even my years of studying and now working in the field of journalism can help me to distinguish between fact and fiction online.
(Watch: The easiest at-home facial to treat yourself with. Post continues after video.)