
FLUFF: Taylor Swift adorably shocks fan by turning up to her bridal shower.






It’s no secret that Taylor Swift is adorable. She’s practically a cherub-faced human ray of sunshine.

The 24-year-old singer demonstrated just how adorable she is by rocking up to surprise a “superfan” at her bridal shower.

The bride-to-be and devout T-Swift fan, an American woman called Gena Gabrielle, had invited Swift to her bridal shower with the expectation that she would be a no-show guest. But Tay-Tay somehow found the invitation in her fan mail and made plans to fly to Ohio for the day to surprise her.

And this is how it all went down… (hint: adorably)

Taylor and her entourage brought two whole car loads of presents for the bride-to-be.

And she baked cookies.

And she made an artwork for the couple.

So now Tay Swift is on our invitation list for every party we ever host. Like, ever.

To fully appreciate the sweetness of this event, here it is moment by moment.


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