
How Taylor Swift came to the rescue of an Aussie theatre company.

Megastar cat loving Super Swift has come to the rescue. Again.

Taylor Swift to the rescue.

When the cast of a Belvoir Street Theatre production in Sydney found out the show might not be able to go on as planned, they did what anyone would do: took to Twitter to voice their problem.

However, they didn’t expect megastar Taylor Swift to answer their prayers.

The theatre group all aged 70 or over, including some of Australia’s most distinguished theatre actors such as Barry Otto, Anna Volska, John Gaden, Peter Carroll, Maggie Dence and Genevieve Lemon, are playing teenagers in a play titled Seventeen – due to open tonight.

It follows a bunch of 17-year-olds drinking, singing, dancing, snap-chatting and getting ready for life as an adult on their last day of school.

In the production the cast rock out to the Taylor Swift song, Shake It Off.

The cast get the news. ( Twitter)

“There’s this great moment where they Shake It Off, and they know all the words and have amazing moves,” Belvoir director Anne-Louise Sarks said on Twitter.

Except at the last minute the play’s producers were told it was a no go as they didn’t have the rights to the song.

It was just days before the play was due to open.

“These actors weren’t, until these rehearsals, familiar with Taylor Swift — or much pop music — so we introduced them to this track, they learned all the words — it was kind of a big process,” Sarks told the ABC .

“So it was quite a big deal to get denied those rights at the last minute.”

Belvoir spokesperson Elly Michelle Clough told online site Music Feeds that “the cast have been rehearsing to Shake It Off for the past four weeks” – a massive effort for  “a group of 70-year-olds with no dance training!”


When on Friday afternoon they were told they actually couldn’t use the song they were devastated.

So Sarks began a Twitter campaign to see if she could get Taylor Swift to engage – or even “someone who knows someone standing near Taylor Swift who can put a phone in her hand.”

Because, as I am sure you can imagine, there are a lot of people near Taylor Swift, a lot of the time, with a lot of phones in their hands.

She tweeted Swift seven times explaining the situation and using the hashtag #greygrey4taytay.

She also inundated Taylor fan groups and, of course, Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe – who always love a good cause.


There were fears that the Captain of the #Girlsquad would be too busy single-handedly changing the face of Apple Music – or off creating another mega successful album but in fact Tay Tay was hanging out on Twitter, just like us ordinary folk, ready to grant her blessings in just a few clicks of the keyboard.

And in one Tweet, she saved the day.

Sarks told Fairfax Media that news came through as they were doing one last run through of the dance moves,

“I was thinking ‘this will be the last time we do it’, so I decided to film it.

“As I was filming, someone held up a phone to me and showed me [Swift’s] tweet, and I saw she’d said yes.”

The cast, she said were shocked at how social media worked.


“They also couldn’t believe that this is how the world works now.

“We’re just so excited. It’s amazing for a theatre bunch like us,” she said.

The cast say thanks to Taylor Swift:

It isn’t the first time Swift has used social media to make magic happen.

In June she persuaded Apple to change their policy of not compensating artists for music streamed on their new service within the free promotional period.

“Three months is a long time to go unpaid and it is unfair to ask anyone to work for nothing,” Swift wrote in a post on Tumblr.

“I find it to be shocking, disappointing and completely unlike this historically progressive and generous company.”

Apple – reversed its policy.

Taylor Swift responded to the campaign to allow the theatre company to use her song.


Now the cast of Seventeen have had their pop dreams come true just in time for tonight’s opening night.

It was always  “gonna be alright.”

Want more?

The darker side of Taylor Swift and her Girl Squad.

Taylor Swift just shut down a celebrity magazine with a single tweet.


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