We have all heard of them. We have probably all been the victim of one.
Today the term took on a completely different meaning for me, and for my special big boy. Today Hayden was bullied beyond the definition of bullying. He was singled out, for gosh knows what reason, and all I can do to stop myself from crying is try and work out the best way to move forward.
Hayden is seven Seven. He is a bright kid, and tests at a reading level to that twice of his age. He is kind, gentle and can not even hit his siblings when riled let alone another kid. He is beautiful. He is bright. He is kind. When anyone that knows him describes him, the first few words are always kind, funny, smart. I know I am biased. I am his mother.
But today I feel as though he has been fundamentally failed, by not just me but his school.
Hayden with his little sister.
Today he was at swimming – an event they seem to do last few weeks of term four as a bit of chaff, a filler basically. All was going well. He returned to change back into his uniform when some child, a boy, had taken his and only his, uniform and undies, placed them into the urinal and urinated on them, and then dragged them through the urinal. Not only is this disgusting, it is disturbing. Just so you know, Hayden knows I am writing about this – his thoughts – “It’s ok mum, it might help other people, and it might mean that some bullies stop”. See what I mean. This kid, amazing.