If our children are overweight, should we talk to them about it? Or is it better to spare them the shame of the f-word? It’s the dilemma plaguing modern parents.
The New York Times has flagged new research that gives us an answer: do not talk to your kids about weight.
We’re often told that we should be open with our kids about everything. That it’s much better to prepare them for the brutality of the “real world”, which has no place for sensitivity. But what happens when our attempts to “toughen up” our kids makes it harder for them in the long run?
What the research tells us
Although we mean well, trying to get our kids to lose weight is a touchy subject. There’s a fine line between gently encouraging them to exercise and making them think that they’re fat.
The study, titled “Don’t eat so much: how parent comments relate to female weight satisfaction”, is from the journal Eating & Weight Disorders. It shows that parents’ comments are often much more harmful than they think.
It’s such a difficult subject for any parent. And often, it feels like a tug-of-war between their mental and physical health.
Researchers asked 501 young women between the ages of 20 and 35 questions about their body image. They also asked them to remember how frequently their parents made comments about their weight. The women who remembered their parents’ comments said they felt the need to lose a significant amount of weight.