
“My friends would laugh if they knew I ate at McDonald’s."

Thanks to our brand partner, McDonalds


“I think my friends would laugh if they knew I ate at McDonald’s – they’d probably think I was doing it to be ironic.”

Yep – Mamamia’s podcast queen Monique Bowley is a staunch food snob – so getting her to try McDonald’s new Create Your Taste menu was kind of a big deal.

And we don’t want to give the results away too much – but let’s just say that these days, you can be a food snob AND still eat at Maccas.

Who knew?


Are you a food snob? Would you try this new menu?

Want more? How about:

Mamamia’s Holly Wainwright is a health conscious mum, and she has discovered the ‘adult dream burger’.

“I just choose not to eat McDonalds. I’m sceptical, I’m not really sold on it.”

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