
Celeb in 5: Tuesday's best entertainment and gossip news.

1. Fans are convinced Sylvia Jeffreys just dropped a pregnancy hint.

We have a potential baby alert, people. Sound the tiny baby alarm.

Sylvia Jeffreys posted a tribute to her new husband, Peter Stefanovic, on Instagram saying “the best is yet to come”.

So she’s obviously preggers. Right? RIGHT?

Um… probably not.

But that hasn’t stopped her eagle-eyed fans coming up with a few conspiracy theories of the own.

“I have a feeling the patter of little feet is coming in 2018 for you & Peter strong feeling your already up the duff lol you will both be amazing parents when the time comes!” one person wrote.


“Hmmm. What rhymes with maybeeeeeee????” added another.

“Hmmm hiding behind big bunches of leafy green veg and papers in front of tum,” someone else pondered about one of Jeffreys’ latest Instagram snaps.

Oh, random members of the public, never change.

2. Carrie Bickmore photobombed her kids at the beach and it’s bloody classic.

Let’s face it, going to the beach can be fraught with hidden dangers and obstacles.

Applying sun cream. Reapply sun cream. Keeping your bather top on in choppy conditions. It’s exhausting.


Unfortunately for Carrie Bickmore, accidentally photobombing a sweet pic of your kids being adorable while simultaneously picking out a wedgie also made that list.

Sharing the photo of Oliver, 10 and Evie, two, with her 450,000 Instagram followers, The Project co-host saw the funny side of the photobomb fail.

“When you spoil a gorgeous photo of your kids by picking your bathers out of your arse in the background,” she wrote. “Good one mum.”

Honestly, we feel Carrie pulling out her wedgie could’ve been any of us. Who knows how many of our bums have made their way into innocent holiday snaps over the years.

3. Prince Harry is taking Meghan Markle to the French Riviera, But, erm, there’s a problem.

Image: Getty.

After a hectic few months parading their love, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are due for a holiday.

Heading for the French Riviera, the newly engaged couple boarded a New Year's Eve flight to Nice. But obviously times are a bit tough over at Kensington Palace, with Hazza and Megs leaving the private jet at home in favour of two highly ordinary economy seats on a British Airways flight.

And not just any seats. The seats closest to the loos at the back of the plane.

Here's hoping the need to be close to the, erm, facilities had more to do with wanting to be one with the common people, and less to do with the Queen's Christmas Day spread.

If it was indeed the former, the royal couple definitely could've slummed it even further if they wanted to have a layperson's in-flight experience. British Airways is the UK equivalent of our Qantas after all, but we hear Ryanair flights are particularly cheap and nasty.

4. Will Smith's 20th anniversary message to wife Jada is... beautiful.


In the 20 years since Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith first walked down the aisle, it would appear the Fresh Prince of Beliar actress and kind of rapper has learnt some stuff.

Sharing a fresh faced photo from their wedding day on New Year's Eve, 1997, Smith summarised what his wife has taught him about love and life, all the usual things.

"Love is Like Gardening... I have learned to focus on HELPING you to BLOSSOM into what YOU want to be (into what you were born to be)... Rather than Demanding that you become what my Fragile Ego needs you to be," he wrote.

"I’ve learned to take pleasure in Nourishing YOUR dreams... Rather than wrestling with you to Fulfill my Selfish Needs & Satiate My Insecurities."

Smith has also learnt that, aside from being a four-letter word, love is all about listening, giving and freedom.

So. Wise.

5. Georgia Love's New Year's Eve look was everything.


Okay is it just us or has Georgia Love pulled out some banger outfits of late?

After a bloody great string of Melbourne Cup outfits, including this seriously good neon dress, the journalist and former Bachelorette gave us some NYE outfit envy.

Starring at her partner, Lee Elliot with the kind of love and adoration we generally reserve for a packet of BBQ shapes, Love posted a fab picture of herself wearing an epic stripped two-piece set.

The matching top and skirt are by Aussie label, Asilio, and could be yours for a casual $179.95 and $149.95 respectively.

Well played, Georgia. Well played.

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